Thursday, April 16, 2020

My Typical Dinner - Part 2

Below are dinner taken on different days:
Stir fried celeries with carrot and chicken chunks, 
Baked bean in egg gravy and 
Deep fried fish tail
 Stir fried glass noodles with shredded carrots, winter melon, black fungus, 
Deep fried homemade chicken nuggets and potato wedges,
Fried egg and
Red beetroot soup


Twilight Man said...

Bon Appetit! Did you cook them all? They looked well balanced and delicious to go with 5 bowls of rice.

mun said...

Bon Appetit! Mom's home cooked meals are the best! I love the Stir fried glass noodles with shredded carrots, winter melon, black fungus dish.

PH said...

Very homely meal. I like!

Rose world said...

Never cook beet root soup. Worry everyone turns off by the colour. Lol.

Yummy, homecooked food.

Nancy Chan said...

Yummy homely dinner. I will enjoy these dishes.

Lotus said...

Beet root soup is new to me. No thanks to celeries. I had fried chicken nuggets that day too!

Jason said...

I wish I have nice and delicious home cooked dinner everyday too. I cant wait to have MCO lifeted and have a proper kitchen renovation for my house so that I can cook properly.

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