Thursday, December 21, 2017

Buddies Bistro, IOI City Mall

If you are looking for a place that serves oink oink spam, this is the one....
The price is reasonable and the service was quick (coz no one around besides us) 
This is a place for drinking, hence usually it gets crowded in the evening/night. But if you are goin there during weekday lunchtime, you'll be treated like a king.
 their menu is extensive (apart from the set lunch promotion)
 Here's my order - Piggy pizza slice with chicken chop. It was served on a flat tile.
 since there were 3 of us....We got a free set meal from the 'Buy 3, Free 1' offer. Here is our complimentary 'fish fillet & tomato pasta'.
Looks at those thick spam sticks!!!
i really really really like them!!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Keep Calm and Curry On

I definitely missed and craved for a lot of food whenever i'm out of the country - CKT, BKT, nasi lemak, roti canai, roasted pork, charsiew, wanton noodles...etc...the long list goes on....
and this biryani rice with flooded curry is in the list!
The week after I came back, I went for my 'curry fix' in Maulana Serdang.
My choices were usually curry chicken, fried bittergourds and sometimes with a papadam.
I seldom patronise this area unless a colleague decided to get her 'chicken rice fix' from another nearby stall...
and that explains the huge portion that can feed a horse....greedy me!
and on another occasion, I was alone in the office and my stomach I went to the nearby canteen to tapau Roti Canai with curry + dhal gravy...
it was 'heavenly' (especially when the roti is freshly prepared)...ohhhhhh....the aroma~~~~~~
 there goes my lonely dinner....and some quiet time for myself ;-)

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Food Panda - Lake View Cafe

It is year end now and again, our team has some excessive funds for our makan-makan.
So, we decided to order food delivery via Food Panda.
The organiser chose to have middle eastern food and here was what I hav ordered:
Shawarma @ RM6 & Mandy Rice with Lamb and Chicken Leg @ RM25
I kept this for dinner and reheated them....tastewise so-so, as the chicken was not well marinated and abit dry. The mandy rice was a lot (huge portion) that can feed 2 persons!
and the balances left - around RM12 per person, so we had Tealive the following week. Here is it - my large macha azuki (green tea red bean) drink.
it has been some time since I last had one!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Pho Vietz

Took another leave day on last Friday. Went to run errands around the neighborhood and by the time it was done,  I was completely exhausted and hungry. Did not have any meal since morning and it has past the lunch hour. I quickly get myself some food (yes, a big feast!) to replenish my energy.
and this place was just around the corner with lesser patrons so, there it goes...
 one of the famous Pho restaurant around....The interior wasn't that impressive and it was hot & stuffy in there (probably due to the hot weather).
 since I was so famished, I tend to over order...
the below is a 4-combo Pho noodles which includes Australian Premium beef slices, beef shank, beef brisket and beef balls @ RM21.90.
It tastes superb!
 I miss these prawn roll! can't remember the exact price, it's either RM8.90 or RM9.90~~~gosh! my memory is terrible...
it was a very satisfying meal...and I will be back again!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


I couldn't think of a suitable title for this post as this post is all about December...the joyous month of the year!
December is also the month when yours truly celebrates her special day!
Saw this cake in Moonlight CafĂ©...was hoping to get this cake, but no one at home favor tis clown. The 'It' clown is my fav childhood movie but not my sis as it scare the hell outta her.
Anyway, instead of a grand celebration...I had my b'day celebrated in the office...just a simple one with simple cakes....
*yours truly is easily contented ;-)
why 6 cakes? b'coz out of the six here....4 are Dec babies...and the other 2 were just shiok sendiri.
Anyway, I took a day off on last Friday just to release tension personally celebrate my own b'day. OK, sounds like a loner but no, personal here means celebrate with family members.
So, here is my 'longevity noodles'...
eh, why looks like some wanton noodles pulak?
this is not wanton noodles nor longevity noodles but just simple beef brisket noodles
 *told u oredi, yours truly is easily contented ;-)
 was enjoying my 'longevity noodles' in tis wonderful place
 where only exclusive clubber can access....
yea, the Golden lounge (or something) in Sky Avenue Casino.
Since it was a long weekend (Monday was holiday), so took the opportunity to jalan jalan and enjoy the X'mas atmosphere around...
   here you'll see Snoopy in various attire...
and very huge X'mas tree....
meanwhile back in IOI city mall, not much of decorations compared to those malls in KL city center, but at least the decoration are better than previous years. 
 and lastly my humble work space...some 'Santa' has put a sock at my cubicle with some goodies inside.
Thanks 'Santa' (whoever it is!)
well, yours truly doesn't wish for big lavish gifts....
READ THIS: yours truly is easily contented ;-)
am just wishing for a good health, youthfulness and happiness throughout the year (and the following years ahead)!
Alrite, end of blogpost session...yes...I'm gonna scare u again with the 'It' clown picture

minus the clown makeup and balloon....
H.A.p.P.y  D.e.C.e.M.b.E.r

Friday, November 17, 2017

Final Day onsite

I'm slowly transferring some of those pictures that I captured from my it would be in the LIFO stage (Last In First Out). Those pics that are most recent are the ones that I'm goin to transfer out first...Anyway, I'm gonna transfer the whole folder when I got the time. Now, it's just steadily bit-by-bit...
here's a recap of my final day in the beautiful land of Mauritius...
It was showering in the morning and then I saw this rainbow from my room. Yea, my room is facing the hill and the sea (from afar). Quite a nice day despite the cloudy skies. I still need to go to the office on my final day, coz it was a weekday.
Since it was my last working day there, their 'boss' brought us (me & another colleague) out for lunch at a nearby mall.  
 Bagatelle mall is their largest mall in the country and it is newly built. Despite being the largest mall, it is still far more 'smaller' compared to our megamalls in Klang Valley. It is a one-storey mall with many international brands/outlets, 3 supermarts, a tiny foodcourt and a few restaurants.
Since we are 'rushing' to get back to office by 2:30, we have to hurried our lunch. Hence we decided to have something fast (but not simple) at a restaurant with the least patrons - The 'Istanbul Bagatelle' restaurant.
It is basically a Turkish restaurant.
I ordered the chicken brochette rice. The rice is sort of like a mild version of bryani, lightly seasoned with spices and has tiny bits of shallots, raisins, herbs leafy...
The chicken in skewer was juicy and tender, very well marinated.
Overall, the meal was a satisfying one and enuff to last me till midnite.
The final day was a hectic one due to some last minute requests. I basically worked to the full brim until the very last 'second'. My senior has to stop me from working further coz we have a flight to catch.
Anyway, we managed to reach the airport on time and still have lil' time to linger around their duty free shops.
The airport is about the size of our KLIA2 (or even smaller) but it is well maintained & cosy. At least their toilet is clean (unlike our KLIA 2).
The duty free shop isn't huge, but it has the usual stuffs that u normally see such as liquor, chocolates, souvenirs, bags, candies...etc
 There isn't much place to munch & loiter...except for the Subway restaurant and another stall nearby. Can't see any Starbucks at all.
  Took the evening flight at local time 8:50pm (GMT +4)
Slight delay when taking off. When the meal was served, it is considered my 'supper' - clockwise from top left: Chicken breast salad, sweet dessert cake (can't recall), coke, curry chicken rice with dhal, bun.
Sort of the usual flight meal when u travel around the Indian region.
 The flight reached Changi airport around 8:00am (GMT +8) the next day.
Good morning SG! It was a nice weather with clear blue skies!
Due to some aviation regulations, all passengers were required to alight and re-queue for onboard the same plane. Such a waste of time but at least I got to stretch my legs & use their free wifi in the waiting lounge.
Touched down KL at 10:30am. It was a working day, supposedly I need to get back to the office but I can't stand the sleepiness, hence I took a day off :-)

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Blue skies & crystal clear water

Lately, I've been on-and-off hiatus (and almost in dormant stage) due to work commitment & 'loads'.
For the past month I was out to client's site in this very beautiful country of ....... 
 yea, some hint here....see the flag?
 beautiful weather, nice people & environment...I wish I could stay there longer
 a great place for holidaying coz it has some nice beaches with crystal clear water...
unfortunately, yours truly doesn't have much chance to explore the wonderful beaches....only manage to eat ice cream while watching the sea from the port.
will update u more in my next posts....hopefully!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Fish & Co

During the end of last year, we have excessive team fund in our balance. So we decided to spend till the last cent for a Fish & Co meal.
it has been years since my last visit to Fish & Co. Nowadays their fish and chips are getting creative, as there are various sauces to go with different types of fish & chips that u ordered.
the below is one Danish set that my colleague ordered...
overall food's not bad...perhaps i dun have much preferences on my fish & chips!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Toilet wefie @ Majestic Hotel

Just visited Twilight Man's blog and saw this toilet selfie post, and it inspired me to post up the same...
yea...I had a toilet wefie in the same hotel, jst couple of weeks ahead (of his)
so, there goes my 'failed' wefie version..
coz it looks like I m strangling my fren...
either my arm too short or her neck too short...
ok, no more such wefie in the future!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Ming Kee Roasted Pork & Wanton Noodles

I recently read an article recommending all the good eats around OUG & Happy Garden...and it reminded me of this place that I used to frequent - Ming Kee
famous for its roasted pork that one shouldn't missed, this place also sells wanton noodles, chicken rice & bbq pork rice
My last visit was more than a year ago, hence I think it's time for me to drop by again to satisfy my cravings...
I ordered wanton noodles soup with bbq pork for RM6. The noodles are still as springy, the bbq pork (charsiew) wasn't that fatty & jst nice to go along with the noodles. The winner is of course the wanton itself...juicy succulent pork patty wrapped in thin layer of wanton slippery yet so yummylicious!
and of course, the other 'star' is the roasted pork! How can one resist that?!!
Roasted pork rice at RM6 comes with a small bowl of soup.
not too fat, not too lean...just my type of roasted pork!

Tanjong Pagar

Many years ago (while I was still a student), I took the KTMB train back to KL from the Old Railway Station in Keppel Road. It's a bit o...