Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

I am truly delighted to receive an award from a blogger fren, Canny. Thanks Canny!

1.The receiver will have to put the logo on his or her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.

As usual, I shall forward this to another 5 bloggers. How I wish i could award more bloggers, perhaps another 5 more??? seriously, i knw quite a number of creative bloggers out there who deserve this award much more than me.

Ok, here is it...this award is bestowed upon the list of bloggers as below:

Well, i hav been following their blogs for quite some time now and i think they deserve this award based on their blogging creativity and style of writing;

cbenc with her worklife and dentist encounter, cometh with his creative narration of his cooking adventures and doggie stories, jam for his wide selection of blog topics (i like the way he points out his dissatisfaction over a meal served in a restaurant), cheehoe with his trips/food posts/weird encounters with customers, and yenjai with his intellectual posts on various issues.
Keep up your great effort!

Japanese Apple???

I used to be known with my careful picky selection in fruits, especially with apples/pears/guava. To be exact, I only take Fuji apples, and not any other types.
On one evening after a tired working day, I opened the fridge in hope to munch some cold fruits. I saw a plate of cut apples, nicely peeled, and tempting. Without looking, i simply grabbed one (vena, vedi, vinci!) with the thought that all those are Fuji apples, as they looked similar in colours and shapes.
One BIG bite and chewed the juices...
tastes strange...

me: ma, what is this??? pear?

mum: (in a very confidence tone) no, this is apple!

me: tis is pear...u bluff me ar..

mum: (very insisting tone) tis is apple, trust me...

dad: (chirped in) yea, japanese apple...

me: (looking disbelief, shall i trust them?) huh? japanese apple?

i was about to trust dad...coz he seldom bluff people...and with his serious expression...

but then, i hav never heard of japanese apple (i only knw of Fuji apple)...i turned over the unidentified fruit that i was still holding...trying to analyze its texture and then.....
i saw a small part of unpeeled yellow skin...

darn!!! it is a pear skin! i was cheated by my parents...

japanese apple konon!

Singapore F1 Race

I'm getting all so excited over tonite's race...the first ever nite race in F1 history! and much more exciting is that they gonna race on actual streets in the city!
I'm pretty sure it's gonna be very happening!
Well, for those who doesn't have any idea on where those cars will run pass, here is a layout of the track.
Seems like it will run across all those scenic landmarks...

This gonna be my second fav tracks besides the challenging narrow tracks of 'Monte Carlo'!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy Family

Six babies after twin daughters...Isn't that great? They seems to be like a huge happy family. Well, having a pair of twins is enuff to make their parent confused (in guessing who-is-who). Now they are having a batch of sextuplets! The twin sisters would now play a bigger responsibilities in taking care of their lil' bro and sis, perhaps each taking care of 3 bro's or 3 sis's and swapping with each other!
hmmm, as for the 6 siblings, i guess they would have hard time identifying each other's identity (since 3 sisters look alike) and perhaps mistakenly identified their elder sister too?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A-Levels Questions

Let's see how much you can score (without referencing somewhere!)
Answers to be out in my next post!
Have fun ;-)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Let's Buka Puasa!

It's ramadan month again, a fasting month for Muslim and also an exciting month for us (non-muslim) coz Ramadan bazaar is back! Last weekend, I visited the bazaar to buy my fav food - Murtabak! I luv the murtabak so much so tht I bought all versions - the mini sized murtabak and the original one - which came in beef or chicken - I had both! Yummylicious!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Like any other year, Mid-Autumn festival isn't complete without a mooncake. Despite being reluctant to get one, we still had our mooncake...
This year, my aunt gave us a box of Lotus Paste mooncake. Though nothing much special about the taste...but i felt that tis gift should have been given a 'remembrance value' coz it might be the final 'mooncake-gift' from her and we will not be getting it again on next year.
Well, this beloved auntie whom used to stuff me with chocolates wafer (when i was a kid) is currently battling with an illness...hopefully she could survive long enuff to celebrate this festival again on next year.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just as I thought…

My imagination has been running wild these days…This morning, while at the entrance of the washroom, I tot I saw a ghost. Well, I m not on drugs anyway!

The lighting in our office washroom is a bit dim, and I guess the structure is defunct. From the entrance, there are rows of cubicles on the left and mirror on the right. Meanwhile, if someone is to open the main door, she might risk slamming onto the person who happened to exit from the first cubicle as the door is very close to it.
I was still in semi-awake mode (during then). The first thing I saw when I opened the door is a mirror with the reflection of a figure. A slim and tall lady with fair skin and white dress. She had a very long curly hair…I almost jump when I see tht reflection of her…especially under the dim yellow light! Well, she just happened to come out from the first cubicle when I walked in.
It gave me an instant ‘wake’!

Btw, today marks the 7th anniversary of the tragic terrorist attack (World Trade Centre, NY). Rest in peace…

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Each time when mid-autumn festival is near, i'l look forward to having mooncakes...
My fav is Shanghainese mooncake, which i'l never get to taste for years!
This year, we have a 'prelude' with to substitute the mooncakes.
Some may ask, why not mooncake?
Well, a mooncake costs abt $11 ++
I can buy 6 donuts with this price...and it's colorful too...
closer shot
very very close
v finish wallop-ing all the donuts within minutes...yummylicious...especially during rainy and cold nite!
While placing back my camera (after photoshooting with donuts), i stumbled upon this jeepney which i got frm a Filipino colleague sometime ago (exactly a year?)...and it reminds me of how fast time flies...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Petrol Prices will likely to Go Down

Well, it sounds as if I control the oil prices by putting such statement in the blog post. It’s a rather good news before the festive season, as it gives us some relief, especially during this high-inflation period (the inflation hits a 26-year high in July with 8.5%)…
A 15 cent decrease is sufficient to halt the rising inflation (that’s only if we dun demand much and take things for granted). Maybe abit too late for some as food prices has already gone up (and will never go down).
The food price increase is very much felt. A (small portion) plate of char kuey teow at a coffeeshop nearby my workplace costs $4.50, and a soy bean drink costs $1.40. A simple decent meal could takes up to $6…and I m still feeling hungry after that…
Anyway, I’m looking forward to this coming month…hoping that oil prices will remain at USD109 per barrel.
Enjoy your weekend ;-)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ol' fashion

Am so happy to see tis!
not b'coz i like cakes (with lotsa cream summore!)...
but i like seeing colors
Wondering whose birthday was that?
N0, no one's birthday.
Who says cakes must present during b'day???
Scroll down...
See this???
Still couldn't get any clue?
okay, scroll down...
Get it?
Btw, is still not mine!
*such an ol' fashion way to have wedding biscuits and cakes in red boxes...but anyhow, while the tradition still exists, i decided to 'immortalised' it in blog.

Shoe Hunting

This was a few months back, was browsing around the shops particularly Sketchers brand coz i prefer their lightweight walking shoes. Nope, i...