Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Guppy @ Home

Some of the guppy fish that we rear @ home...and waiting to be tortured by me
 well, there were plenty of them before one by one dies...out of my torture for reason we can't find out
perhaps of the water acid/alkaline level or the temperature...
while they are still's a photo for remembrance ;-)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mooncakes from Genting

This year, we are not buying any mooncakes from bakery shop, but instead we got it from Genting!
yea, the casino...i mean the company that opens the casino...
Here is one classic mooncake...the red bean paste
 and my all-time favorite lotus paste with salty egg yolk
well, i m still looking out for some cheaper mooncakes, as most of them are super pricey and not worth of the price u paid for...

Raya Feast in the office

Few weeks back, he company decided to throw us a feast to celebrate the recent 'Raya' (Eid festival)
 such a sumptous feast with roast lamb, beef rendang, salmon fish, fried chicken, tempuras...fried 'kuey teow'...satay....etc all the yummy tempting food
and they hav cupcakes served on each tables too!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Party time with Pizza

Was home alone last Sunday and guess what?
I self-pampered myself with good food...
by having a pizza party!!!
 ordered that junkie via online and it arrived jst on time...or perhaps minutes earlier!
so darn efficient!
earlier, i can't decide what to order and hence chosen the most expensive choice, the Dominos 'meatasaurus pizza'
Turned out to be 'so-so' only with beefy stuffs, cheese and barbeque sauce...
well...found out later that they have a cheaper combo...i shall have order those.
Bon Appetit!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Roller Coaster Mood

Things have been a roller coaster during the past weeks and the coming days. A colleague will be leaving soon and he was sort of a good one who can help out alot in the team. Somehow, i started to feel a sense of 'loss' and we shall miss him dearly. There might also be a huge gap in the team resources soon. And not enuff with that, another bad news came...
that is...
my boss will be leaving us too...
well, he will be leaving for a better position (meaning, promoted to something else and earning good pay!)
soon, we will be left with no one to 'protect' us, and me being the senior will have a heavier responsibility to fight for our rights...and on our own. Although we will be assigned under some new boss, but somehow things will not be easy there. It's like back to square one, i came from that horrible department and now i m back to that place. DARN!
Nevertheless, i should b joyful coz there will be no nagging from him and terrible humiliation in front of my teammate. Plus, all my previous much delayed homework can be removed from my task list...haha! The sad thing is that now my team oni left me and another new gal...seems like i m the longest survivor in this challenging environment.
glad that i m able to withstand the 'hurricane' but that doesn't mean i can last long and be strong...there were moments that i was upset with the whole situation...and now it happen again...
well...the oni thing i can remain happy is to think of some cheerful stuffs...
such as...
Green Frog
there r green, cute, round and bouncy...haha!
and i wish to have a happy and worry-less life...
nothing will beat a 'happy , sumptious breakfast meal'
and sitting on the lazy couch at a cosy home...
my dream of havin' a dream home may take some time to accomplish...but i shall persevere!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Department Lunch

After the long Raya break, we came back to office and the department head is so kind enuff to treat us Raya meal (despite only a few colleagues celebrating it!)
 we went to Red Wok in Kajang for some halal Chinese food. Among the dish that we ordered...buttered prawns, marmite chicken, deep-fried squids, beef in dark sauce, steam fish, chillie paste eggplant, japanese beancurd in egg gravy...and spinach soup
 all together there were 7 dishes with one soup!
Here is the spinach soup
 Japanese beancurd in egg gravy
 beef in dark sauce
the food was so-so only, mainly b'coz it was cooked without Chinese wine, lard, or pork as it is meant to be 'halal'
But overall, it was filling and satisfying ;-)

Penang Peranakan House (Part 2)

Penang Peranakan house souvenir shop sells various bamboo woven handbags
miniature bycycles
miniature trishaw
and many other types of miniature trishaw
meanwhile, out of the souvenir shop, u will see some real antique items displayed at every corner of the house. It is meant for display only and not for sale.
Here's one classic tv set
and radio funny that all these 3 antique items can now combined into one tab  (i mean sort of Samsung tab, or iPad etc)
and then, u'l see this couple chair (please ignore the "models" giving lousy pose here!)
the couple chair is quite innovative given that not much folks being so open minded about couples intimately sitting together in the older days;-)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Penang Peranakan House (Part 1)

Penang Peranakan House located in the middle of the heritage trail in Georgetown. Entrance fee is MYR10 per adult, quite worth it if you like old stuffs and history. 
the interior is the entire house is full of gold carvings...
but of course not on real golds
there are carvings on the photo frame, mirror frame, furnitures, walls, doors, windows frame...almost everywhere!
it must took long to finish up the carvings in the entire house!
somewhere in one of the rooms, there was this old lady dressed in "nyonya kebaya" outfit explaining to some visitors about traditional game that the rich peranakan use to play during their free time.
some decorative on the table
here is the upper floor
and this is the side entrance
some narrow lane leading to the backyard which houses the ancestor praying hall
well, this house is so cultural-rich that almost every corner of it's construction has some symbolic meaning or 'feng-shui' implied.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rendang and Lemang

Raya (Eid-ul-Fitr) in M'sia will not complete without Rendang (spicy meat dish) and Lemang (glutinous rice).
I grew up taking Rendang during festive season, mainly at Raya open house...and has been looking forward on this dish...whenever i frequent to any Malay stalls. Somehow, Rendang is listed as one of the 'World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods'...
well, it deserved to be in the list ;-)
 a perfect combination to take rendang is with lemang.
A Muslim colleague came back from the recent Raya holiday and bought us this. How thoughtful!
and i can't help myself but to grab a few pieces...greedy me!
rendang & lemang are so darn yummielicious!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August Feast

August was full of feasting due to sis's fren coming back for a long holiday. On the final week of his stay, we decided to throw him a farewell dinner at some 'dai-pai-dong' before he leave for another half year.
We ordered some nice and filling food , such as steamed talapia fish
 seafood beancurd, with lotsa seafoods such as crabstick, squids, shrimps, fish cutlet, abalone
then, we also ordered pork rib, without the bones... 
the entire meal with veggies, rice and drinks costs us MYR85 for 5 of us.
Bon Appetit!

Secret Garden

The secret garden sounds mysterious for a post title huh?
btw, this isn't a secret garden. It just happen that i seldom feature it in this blog...hence it u might called it secret...but i would is underpublisize all the while...
 let me feature out some not-so-new-but-eye-catching plants that i hav in the garden
 pink blossom
 and what's with the fruits here???
this is a fruit juice stall that i happened to frequent during my last trip to Penang.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Kimchi Noodle

Due to my short trip to Korea, i did not manage to buy anything from there except for a few food items that i grabbed last minute from a convenient store below the office.
Here's one kimchi noodle that i managed to get...i guess the price is around USD4 per bowl if not mistaken.
It was jst some plain ramen noodle with seasonings...
so i added in sausage and white cabbage for garnishing purpose...
and then pour the cooked noodle into a korean bowl...
and turns out to be like exactly a Korean  Kimchi noodle that u'l get from their restaurant!
do u believe?
jst blabbing here ;-)

Tanjong Pagar

Many years ago (while I was still a student), I took the KTMB train back to KL from the Old Railway Station in Keppel Road. It's a bit o...