Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Drama Queen

Well, I’m sure many of u did encounter of some drama queen in work, schools or elsewhere. But living with one is a terrible hell. I’m kinda unfortunate to have one. And I thought she might have mature over the years, but nope, she is still as bossy, arrogant, complainer and find fault at every opportunities.
Of all the previous trip/outings that I went with her, never once goes smoothly…Perhentian, Penang (twice!), HK…all these ended up in quarrels coz of her ‘attitude’ of bossing and throwing blames on me for tiny reason she could only think of.
The recent one was a trip last week….the incidents still kept lingering in my mind now even days after the trip has over, that I decided to pen it down…coz I felt uneasy with all those accusations/blames that happened during the trip kept ‘boggling’ my mind. I need an outlet to express this out in order to obtain my inner peace.
I thought she would have ‘behave’ since she’s no longer in her 20s now, but a mature mid-30’s, but I was wrong. And I made a wrong choice by inviting her to join me in the trip which got me into a terrible 4-day miseries and depression even after the holiday has ended.

Photo-taking Insults
It seems like the trip is ‘her trip’ and everything is catered to her wish & request. Whenever her ‘wish or request’ is not met, I was the one to be blamed for it. It started from day 1 where she has planned out to cover as much places in Macau island, some are indeed very photogenic…but again, we have limit – TIME. The moment we stepped out of the ferry terminal, she rushed me (to walk faster) to every destination, and it was under the hot sun. I have tried my best to catch up with her pace by running a lil and walking fast but again I have limit. It was 9 something in the morning under the scorching hot sun and I could hardly open my eyes wide coz of the glaring sun. Knowing me that I can’t stand the heat (and has happened to faint due to sun heat in previous years) I slowed down a lil to catch some breathe, but she was way ahead towards the destination without looking back. Well, I’m ok with me walking slowly as long as I don’t bother her. But the ‘over-excited’ her was aggressively pushing & literally scolding me to walk faster so that I could help her snap a ‘beautiful’ picture for her. And of course, I did helped her, not once nor twice but snapping many many photos until she is satisfied. Out of sudden I have been given the chore to become her photographer, how ‘cleverly’ she bossed me. And yes, I have to abide with her ‘command’ in taking perfect photos otherwise I’ll end up getting ear-torture of those ‘abusive’ shouts, such as:

‘walaueh, don’t u know how to take picture??!! U see! U see the picture! Like that my eyes closed also u snap picture?!! Pls do it again and don’t waste my phone battery!’  à Come on la….logical thinking, she blinks her eye the moment I push the capture button, how can I control? I could have the chance to reply her back but I kept cool coz I don’t want to quarrel with her on the street and it was so sunny that I just want to get this done fast.
‘aiyer, why I look so fat in the picture?! Don’t u know how to take picture??!! à seriously I dunno what is the best position to get her pose to look slim coz I m not a professional photographer.

These are only a few of the many photo taking incidents insults that I received. Others are like picture ‘senget’, blur, or accidently taken when she was not ready/smilling…all sorts of complaints. I’m not a photographer and being paid to do all this. Even a paid photographer doesn’t deserved all these insults.

to be continued...

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Star Village, OUG

My last visit to this place was 4 to 5 years ago...It hadn't change much, except for maybe a few decorative ornaments....
Yea, I always remember this place as a very decorative restaurant...
and it is always crowded during dinner...We waited for quite some time for our food to arrive, while patiently sipping our drinks
and enjoying the soups
here's my order, the Mamaland chicken (it's not Maryland)
it consists of a huge piece of fried chicken chop, a banana fritter (aka pisang goreng, no joke!), sausage, a side of coleslaw and mashed potatoes...
This would stuff u till FULL!
the portion is quite big for an average eater with all that starchy potatoes/banana and greasy fried stuffs. Nevertheless indulging once-in-a-while should be fine :-)

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Contango, Majestic Hotel

The lunch buffet starts from 12pm till 2:30pm. Saturday theme is International cuisine, hence you'll get a variety of western, Japanese, Malay, Chinese & Indian food spread all over the food counters. If you are a seafood lover, u might wanna attack the fresh seafood...
 my colleague likes cheese so much that she went for a few rounds of these!
 and my fav is always tempuras, they have assorted tempuras, sushi and sashimi in their Japanese section.
Also, there are DIY noodles section & salad section. Get yourself a bowl and assemble your own noodles/salad.
 the Italian section, you'll get assorted pizzas and pasta
 then the roasted lamb....with various condiments (not in picture)
various grills and fried calamari rings...I just can't get enuff of this!!!
 but too bad, there's just too many food to try....can't take much of these fried/meaty food...I have totally ignored the Indian food section (where you'l see all the tantalising spiced dishes)
To help/ease your digestion, some fruit juices....
 they hav a variety of desserts, ranging from ice-cream (12 flavors to choose from!)
cendol & ais kacang....
again, it's DIY for ais kacang, just get a bowl and scoop your preferred condiments
churros with choc dipping
 assorted cakes
 more cakes....if you hav sweet tooth this place should not-be-missed!
 all the sugary stuffs - macaroons, brownies, cupcakes, fruits coated with choc....
*too bad I did not try any of it, was too full...
sugar coated buns....*I did not try, don't ask me how it taste
to digest off these desserts, you can choose to have tea....
 or order a cup of coffee....
 those who fancy beer/wines, u gotta pay additional RM70 per person for a free flow
wokay, done eating and 'visually feasting' (with my phone cam), just stroll around the area
and watch people eating....enjoy their interior layout...their dining area and food counters are vastly scattered...
 and lastly here's something for u, dear readers.....

Monday, August 21, 2017

T-ARA - So Crazy

Here's something to kill your Monday blue....
pretty gals with sexy dance move...Enjoy watching!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Earlier March, the team has 2 new members and after a few months of probation they were upgraded as confirmed staff. To celebrate their 'new status' and as a team get-together-lunch, we decided to splurge our team fund for a buffet lunch at Contango restaurant in Majestic KL.
Before I bombard u with those foodie pics, perhaps a 'tour' around the hotel first...
 nice bouquet specially dedicated to u 'blog visitors'  ;-)
ok, those are real flowers, at the hotel lobby, I wonder how much they 'invest' and getting this maintained daily.
Below - their signature signboard. Majestic Hotel is an old hotel, established in KL during colonial days, hence the design and interior are mostly classic-looking. Such an ol' charm!
 the ceiling decors...
 they have mini sky garden located nearby the pool side
 so we decided to go have a look-see
 on the way to the sky garden, u'll see these newly developed buildings around KL Sentral.
 unfortunately there is nothing much to see in the sky garden...
Nevertheless, there is an indoor orchid garden located at the floor below...
Some sort of wedding (in the evening) as the hotel staffs were busy arranging the seats and getting the venue ready.
 here's another one dedicated to you....
another classical signboard, didn't know that we have a famous barbershop hails all the way from UK
somewhere in the hotel, u will also find a very popular afternoon tea place...
not much people yet as it was still early for afternoon tea
below - another grand wedding event in preparation....according to the hotel staffs, the host has invited around 1400 guests to witness their joyous ceremony...
too bad, I wasn't in the list, hence I jst stood there at the entrance & enjoy the flowers...
yea, real roses.
stay tuned for the foodies post....

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Dave's Deli Lunch with colleague

Yay, we've finally got our salary increment...
me & my faithful partner in crime decided to splurge a lil' for our lunch....
Alrite, we did not splurge, just went out for our fav Dave's Deli place....
And here's my order...the usual Hainanese Chicken Chop, but now it has changed its name to 'Signature Chicken Chop'....
and the price has increased too...It used to be RM13.70 after 30% discount, but now it is RM14.55.
85cents increase!
But anyway, I still think it is value for money coz now they served the broccoli & carrots sides to replace the previous salads. I prefer this combination rather than the previous one as the greens doesn't taste too raw.
my partner in crime even requested them to replace the coleslaw with the same portion of 'broccoli & carrots',  hence double portion of 'broccoli & carrots'.
yea, we really like our broccoli & carrots!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The yesteryears

This trophy has been kept for 3 decades now...
It is my first trophy, back in the year 1987....Yea, yours truly was an amateur singer and even nick-named as 'mini compo' during then. 
Note: 'Mini compo' is an audio device that was quite popular among the youngster in the 80's.
Not sure how I got that talent, but I learned all sorts of songs from the tv and started singing them without knowing what it means (regardless of what languages). That time, still kids mah...easily 'copying' whatever on the tv.
My sis is even better, she can remember and play out the entire dialog of the 'Sang Kancil & Kura-kura' cartoon. We were just too exposed to the tv back then!
My mum signed me up for this talentime contest without my knowledge. I was only told to sing when it's my turn to be on stage. Anyway, being bold, I just did as told...I wonder why I dun seem to hav stage-fright that time.
Ok, enuf of bragging...
Since u readers hardly see a picture of's one for you....a big one!
nice eh? the blog title says 'yesteryear' a picture of my yesteryear lah!

Monday, August 14, 2017

McD Spicy Korean Burger

This burger is so heavily publicised over the media these days. It got me wondering how would a Korean burger taste like...
So, I decided to drop by McD one fine 'late-nite' for my dinner cum supper...
and ordered a set for RM15.99 (all for the sake of curiousity!)
so, what's so special about this?
apart from the criss cut chips that taste like 'Wise potato chips', the burger doesn't hav any distinct Korean taste...
It does not hav that kind of kimchi spiciness nor the beef taste like bulgogi...
good try McD, just that it doesn't impress me much.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Excited over the new office block...

Recently we have got a new office block next door and it is tastefully designed...
 before the staffs move in to this new office, I went over to 'kepoh' & took some pics...
Nope, I did not get relocated to that block, but am still excited to visit this 'colourful' office.
Here are the meeting rooms...
the sofa set in boss room...kinda retro
open space with bean bags
 another retro looking couch
 the pantry with bar seatings
 I kinda like these dining chairs (no, not referring to the high bench)
 here's another boss room
 and the staff colourful with green, red, yellow and blue partition...
There's one thing that is so wrong with the interior design...can u guess what?
*hint: not the dangling wires & the ladder

Shoe Hunting

This was a few months back, was browsing around the shops particularly Sketchers brand coz i prefer their lightweight walking shoes. Nope, i...