Monday, December 24, 2012

Company Annual Dinner @ Hilton KL

The much awaited event of the year has been held at Hilton Grand Ballroom occupying some 700 staffs from the was indeed a happening event...
Though i did not get "drawn" for the lucky prize but i enjoyed and happy seeing one of my colleague getting second top draw
Here are some pics:
The hall with flashing spotlights

The menu of the day
Table deco
Table settings was a combination of chinese and western cutlery
Chinese tea
and lastly the reception table, after the event was over...overlooking the bustling city traffic outside the glass panel
we all had a great blast!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Verandah @ Cyberview Lodge Resort

Remember that i posted something regarding the Leadership Training some time ago?
During our 3-day training, we were fed with plenty of food, ranging from Italian cuisine to Chinese Dim Sum...
and the last but not least...
The fusion food was the best as we could taste the best of all sorts - asian, japanese, chinese...whatever u named it....
 our lunch was held at Verandah restaurant in this nice resort place
 it has huge ample space for dining, and a separate area for food counters
 i can't get enuff of ice-cream...yam & vanilla flavor are my fav!
 there are aplenty of "malay kuihs" (delicacy) served at the dessert area, but too bad i was too full for any of these!
 egg custard, mini cakes, tarts and pastry around
 they even hav cookies in the jar
 donuts and a variety of buns...looks appetizing
 satays!!! both beef & chicken satay were served...with the peanut gravy and the usual condiments (cucumber, nasi impit, onions)
 here's the Japanese area...where a variety of sushi, udon & tempuras were served
 the fruits counter
 apples...not poisonous, no worry ;-)
the cold dessert section serves ais kacang with various condiments to mix along!
I'm spoilt for choice...

The time of the year for Wedding Invitation again...

"You are cordially invited to my wedding on:
16 Dec 2012"
No, dun congratulate me...
it's not my wedding
it's my ex-colleague's and i m so pleased to be invited on her special occassion
yes, it is an Indian wedding...
and nice to see the card that is so "bling-bling shiny" in gold coating
 anyhow, congrats to my dear fren there....
Have a blissful marriage!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's 9:06pm and i m HUNGRIE

What would i do when i'm hungry?
but there is no food around
instead of searching thru the fridge
i search thru my local hard disk
and browse some of the food pictures that i took...
hoping it could cure my hunger...
 the above is the instant noodle that i took last Sunday noon...a fusion of western and eastern brunch
and the below was my dinner on the same day.
looking @ the pictures...
makes me drool !!!!!

Leadership Training

Two weeks back i spent half of my week attending this leadership workshop organized by the company.
It was indeed a privilege to attend such training as it is meant for managers and team leader with subordinates.
It just happened that someone in the department was on leave, hence i was being assigned as her replacement...
Well, is not that everytime i got such luck!
Not that i could learn some 'leadership skills' there, but the opportunity of sneaking out of the office and escapin' from my job for awhile... me IRRESPONSIBLE...LALALA....
so, what's with the balloon in the seminar room??
It was part of our group activities in trying to bring some 'cheerfulness' into the workshop.
It makes the place looks like a kid's party room
nothing really serious in this room despite all who attends here are of managerial ranking...
i was having some fun and great time bonding with these group of management people,
turns out they are just like any other human...well i mean, of course job is job, but sometimes, we need to enjoy ourselves
ok fine, anyhow, that's not the whole point...
i did actually learned some traits and behavioural styles which could help me to identify and adapt to my 'subordinates' well...errmm...i mean my teammates...
after some time in the seminar room...we got to enjoy some nice sight seeing around this beautiful place...
tis is the was superb...
but too bad, it was lacking some Christmas decor...
i m hoping to see a more Christmassy decoration...

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Before i start with my writin', let me share a video that i used to enjoy during my college time, when Spiderman 2 was a hit back then

ain't u feel happy listening to this song?
that's oni happen when u let go of some burden/worriness...
no, i haven't let go of my burden, but i had overcome my own fear, which could be a plus point and get me go far...
guess what?
i dun feel stage fright anymore!
*ermm...i mean under certain condition, well i guess i work well with impromptu talk
at least i dare to try, and volunteer myself to present some ideas on behalf of the group, standing in front of the room, speaking and presenting my ideas without "long gap of silence"...
and somehow, they might be some "nervous feeling" at first, but hey, i manage to overcome it and get my ideas flowing.
Well, glad with my achievement, not that i could get this chance all the time, to stand in front of a big group, sounding like a speaker, socialite, leader...kinda thing.
No more stereotyping me as the "demure, shy-looking, introvert" person. Gonna get rid of this image very soon.
And A-H-A! It's finally December! my favorable month...coz it is year end when all the parties come.
I hope i could get enuff party this year, before 2012 ends!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dad's Birthday

This is a late post as it has been over a month ago since we celebrated his B'day...
this year...i ordered pizza from Domino's...
it was a buy 1 free 1 online deal
 we had a seafood tuna & hawaiian chicken pizza...
 nothing to shout about...just that it has been long since the family had pizza together
 on top of these, i add-on an ala carte - BBQ Chicken Wings!
yummielicious meal on a sunday noon ;-)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Mahjong table

What i m about to show here is not the normal conventional mahjong table that u can see at any chinese household....
but this is wht my mum use to play her fav game
the pinkish-clad iPad with Mahjong game installed....which she used to 'compete' with those HK superstar icons such as Maggie Cheung, Louis Koo, Stephen Chow.....
i mean it is jst "icons"...and not the actual superstars that plays with her
besides as mahjong table, iPad is also a good tool for candid camera!
someone snap a pic of me having meal (i was busy tweeting, ok!)

welcome to the new age....
life has been different since we were being introduced with tabs & smart phones...(not too long ago)
what else comin' soon?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Weekend Entertainment - Sammi Cheng

Was browsing thru some video in You Tube and ponder upon this video, some 90's song by Sally Yeh and Sammi Cheng...
oh, no, they r not expressing luv towards each other...dun get it wrong, not sort of lesbian relationship here...haha!

Amazing that this song can be sung in vietnamese too....

Friday, November 2, 2012

Char Siu & Siu Yuk

What the heck u tink i m writing here?
yea, it is about "Char Siu & Siu Yuk"
well, those r the chinese name of my fav pork be precisely, the Cantonese name of it.
Char Siu = Barbequed Pork
Siu Yuk = Roast Pork
both of these r very popular meat dish and favors by Chinese regardless of age (alrite, will stop writing craps here!)
So, here it goes...
my lunchie on one fine weekday (on the left is siu yuk, right is char siew, got it?)
you can order them separately in most cases, but i prefer mine as being combination of both in one plate 
here's my porky rice set  that comes with rice and soup...
ah...lookin' at it makes me drool...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chicken Chop

How much would you go to enjoy ur fav chicken chop?
I would walk for a good half-an-hour to reach this stall that sells very "cheap and nice" piece of succulent yet crispy chicken chop with golden brown fries...
 it comes with pasta (macaroni) with mixed beans...weird but perfect combination
drool...drool...jst look at those fries....and the big piece of boneless chicken...
it makes me droooooool!!!!!
alrite, high calorie and colestrol...but another 30-minute walk back to my office would burn it off!

@ the Library

silent silent plsssssss!!!
coz we r @ the Library...
with easy access of any info thru the net, lesser people r getting into the library, unless they r there for sort of meet up, well the economical way of meeting up without spending mch..
At least u dun hav to pay for drinks!
i enjoy the quiet time in a secluded corner of the library...sometimes i can doze off, not until ppl woke me up for snoring too loud!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I used to pack lunch box to office few years ago, but now not anymore as my company is subsidizing us lunch daily. Well despite that, my sis still continues to pack home-cooked lunchies to work. Here is one prepared by mum...Looks colourful and appetizing despite it is sort of...leftover dishes!
Bon Appetit!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The office buildings in Kathmandu

Kathmandu is so packed with buildings all in similar size and about 5-6 storey is jst hard to differentiate between residence building and offices or shops...but their government office are distinct to the rest. It has their own building.
However, the road leading to it could be very hidden (due to its narrow size). Sometimes you might just missed that turning corner.
 opposite our business meeting place, stood another government building. It is an old building with wooden entrance. The wooden planks and marble floor keeps the place cool on a very hot sunny day
 some notices were seen pasted on the pillar outside the building
 and inside the meeting room, it was all serious...hmnnnn...sheeesssshhhhh, some serious meeting going on...
silent silent...and concentrate plzzzzzz.....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Room @ 619, Radisson Hotel (Part 2)

Continued from previous post...
Here's a view of the room at night, spacious isn't it?
well, at least for me, coz i m staying alone...
woo-HOOO i gotta sleep at 2 beds!
 hmnn....split body?
some complimentary mineral water from the hotel, they'l get you 2 new bottles daily
 the alarm clock on the dressing table
 my comfy bed!!!
 tea set, with choice of coffee, tea or me
 the snack corner
 over at the sideway next to the door, there is this huge cupboard with umbrella, safe deposit and ironing board tucked inside
 here's the 32 inch tv with 29 channels...the only English channel are BBC, CNN and Aljazeera
inside the fridge
 plenty of can drinks and alcoholic stuffs
 and here's the washroom
 toilet bowl for you to shit on ;-P
 some shower caps, sanitary bag...shampoos, moisterizer, soaps, combs, sewing kit...etc
well, all in all, these are just some very standard stuffs u normally see in a hotel room!

Shoe Hunting

This was a few months back, was browsing around the shops particularly Sketchers brand coz i prefer their lightweight walking shoes. Nope, i...