I was awaken by some neighbour screaming ‘robbery’ at 6 something tis morning. The robbery happened just 2 doors away at dawn. With the recession and all those negative news coming along, I’ve been living in fear and uncertainty. Fear of rising crimes, fear of a bleak future, fear of those consequences that may arise due to the current economic turmoil. I’m even fear of keeping my savings in the bank coz it may somewhat, if worse comes worst, goes bankcrupt. I think this world is such a mess, with so much risk around us.
I already have enuff of paying bills, loan, taxes, and other daily necessities, and now somewhat, some people will try to reap some fortune off you anytime unexpected. The world is getting complicated. Technology is meant to ease our life, but it turned out to create more chaos. What the fark with those people bombing atm machines, and those online scams and banking spoof sites?!! And whatda hell with the petrol price only to be lowered on tomoro? My car is now running short of fuel, jst waiting for the price rate to reduce before I pump in some. Hopefully I can have enuff fuel to go back later.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Fear and Anger
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Happy Diwali
It's Sunday noon, almost being suffocated by the hot weather. Lazy & hot Sunday. Kinda relief over certain 'things' but at the same time, hoping and praying hard that certain 'things' to change...syiok sendiri with tis emo line!
Well, the Jln Alor battle has almost reach a decision...And I'm glad tht the name remains (90% certain, though it has yet to confirm). People voice does outdo city hall actions! Another good news is tht the petrol price rate to be revised on 29th/30th, m hoping it to be back to $1.92...wuakaka...
Gonna start my second job soon...yes, im officially a tutor again, after years of absence frm this industry...But, lazy me has yet to prepare the teaching material...Am still in jovial happy mood coz i m back reading skool books again! Presentation has over, m glad as a colleague commented that it was good and the message was clear. But anyhow, there is still much space for improvement. At the meantime, i felt my name has sort of being immortalised in my previous company, as there is still some seniors 'screaming' for my aid despite being out of their biz months ago. Mixed feelings here, i m willing to let go but they r sort of pulling me back. Another mix feeling, or rather a dillema, which is currently hitting me like a tornado, not gonna mention it here (haha...emo-ing again!) but i m really praying hard for miracle to happen...just like how it 'has happened', almost there but not too close enuff. Well, these days i've received many shocking news, some good and some are rather distracting...but whatever it may happen, i hope it is for the better.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fuss over Jln Alor Name Change
Not to mention on how much effort that have been thrown in over the decades to make that street popular among tourist? Changing the name overnight is rather ridiculous without judging carefully on how much the cons might overweigh the pros. Com’on DBKL, put on your thinking cap and stop acting alone without discussing!
I have been lamenting on how unfair the world is, just because of certain no-brainers who are unable to see the ‘big-picture’ before implementing certain thing. These no-brainer are mostly management or some-idiots-who-think-they-are-powerful, but end up doing things in a haste, without thinking much (and with influence of certain people). To all the potential stupid ‘bosses’ out there, please think of scalability, performance, bottleneck, losses (revenue, people’s trust), hardship…and all sorts of negative impact it would create before taking a move. Well, certainly many of us have gone thru this. I do have my bitter share of how unfairness/mistreat, and if I hav to list down all of those, it could have been compiled into a textbook. Unfortunately, my scar is too deep from the previous ‘damage’ that it takes some time to heal.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Public Speaking
It has been a year since I last do a public speaking in front of a huge group. The previous time was a training conducted by me with another colleague. Been known as someone with less word, and being a quiet person in nature, I hardly speak in reality. I would find it difficult to approach people and do an ‘ice break’ even with one or two of them. The reason are obvious.
I m afraid of:
- people who might judge me by how I convey my message.
- people who laugh at my minor mistakes in speech.
- people who teased whenever I missed my point.
- my words being used as laughing stock.
- people stares, as if they are trying to find my odds.
The fear are still with me despite been trying hard to cope with it. Years ago, I managed to overcome it after doing continuous presentation for weeks (till I get used with the crowds). But after some time being ‘off stage’, it sort of coming back again.
Next week, I will be presenting again in front of some 20+ people which have much more experience on my talk topic.
Nervous? Yes.
Excited? Very.
I need to get back on track again.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Blended Traditional Chinese and Modern Houses
Friday, October 10, 2008
Plain Blunder
I was so immersed on my work on yesterday till I forgot where I parked my car and tot it was stolen. Initially, I went to the same spot where I parked my car for the past 2 days only to realize that my car was in a different location after a short panic! Was it a sign of getting old or just plain blunder?
To avoid being confused again, i decided to remain in the same location. Just as tis morning when I got down from the car, I spotted a 50cent coin…m happy coz there is actually money falling frm the sky (ok lar, from someone’s pocket!) although the value is small…But how come I din notice it yesterday?
I wonder how I could spend tht extra 50 cent? Back then when I was in primary school, I could get a small plate of mee goreng, but nowadays this value can only spent for a currypuff…summore not those ol’ chang kee ones.
2-month plus into the new job and environment, life is getting better. Good in a way tht people here are treated with much respect and have deep sense of responsibilities and professionalism at work. Most importantly I m getting my life back, yeaha!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Spoke
The layout is dull and most probably customization is very restricted and I'm glad that i have moved to blogger. The rest is history.
On the other hand, I hav finally received 50+1 Malaysia booklet! woo-hoo!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ministers & Cabinet's Raya Open House
Tanjong Pagar
Many years ago (while I was still a student), I took the KTMB train back to KL from the Old Railway Station in Keppel Road. It's a bit o...

“L.C.L.Y. is actually, in chinese "lan si, lan yong", which means a big lousy show-off when he/she knows when he/she can't do ...
This claypot chicken rice stall has been around in the neighbourhood for 2 decades. It was run as a stall in the corner shop lot kopitiam wh...
This place offers RM35 per pax eat-all-u-can bbq buffet. But usually people don't do bbq during daytime, so this shop has other promo du...