Friday, January 27, 2012

Tenji2 Japanese Buffet

The department lunch was being held sometime last week.
After much consideration, we have chosen Tenji2...
 Well, they have aplenty of food choices
 ranging from raw to cooked, and not to mention a huge selection of Soba, with its condiments...
 a whole bar for sushi, but somehow it doesn't taste fresh, the rice was abit hardened as if it was left overnight
 and more sushi's at another counter
 kimchi, some seaweed and preserved stuffs
 if you wish to place your order for them to cook some ala-carte, here's the place!
u can order grilled chicken wing too...
 the dining area
 the round-table dining area
 japanese-seating dining area
 separated with doors
 and now, back to the foods....
they have some raw seafood
 and ready-made fishballs, crabmeat, processed meat for your steamboat
 and the below are some hot dishes, their fried salmon is yummie!
 and the tempura is also one of the most popular among the patrons, as most of the fried stuffs being emptied the moment it was being served!
 and they have various sauces to go with the steamboat and tempuras
 dessert was ice-cream, though not much choices
 but u can also opt for "ice kacang"
 some cookies
 and some fruits to dip into chocolate fondue
bon appetit!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kenny Rogers Roaster

One of my favourite food chain is none other than Kenny Rogers Roaster. When it was first introduced in the country, their restaurant was packed and the queue was long.
As time goes by, people may have tasted it too often and there no longer have long queue...
but instead, long wait!
I'd prefer to queue at the counter and wait for my turn to choose my dishes rather than being served at table and endure the long wait, besides having to be charged 10% for service!
 anyhow, minus the extra charges aside, their side dishes are still my favorite
especially the coleslaw, potato salad and mashed potato!
not to mention also their vanilla muffin is still the best muffin that i have ever tasted! 
too bad, the roaster was just so-so!
well, the pictures may be deceiving, despite the chicken abit dry, somehow, the above picture can still get me droolin'
bon appetit!

And I am the new Project Manager...

It such a kind of them to send me this card!
New Year card from Thailand (above)
oh btw, after being officially assigned as the Project Manager taking over Senegal projects, all sorts of mail including hardcopies being diverted to me...
The brown envelope shown here is my first hardcopy mail from Senegal!
i m still overwhelmed with my new role and the tasks given...

Local Craving - Curry Noodle

I used to favor this curry noodle at the neighborhood morning market.
Not b'coz it is nicer than any other place, but i get to observe a variety of people's behavior while enjoying my hot & spicy bowl from this corner stall.
Observant? not at all...
just abit of KPC (kay-po-chi)
well, the noodle isn't someting to shout about, but it has a few extra ingredients where we can hardly see in any other version.
Here, it has barbequed pork (char siew) 
fried wonton
chicken slices
long bean
fried fermented bean curd (taufu pok)
and to kick in some spice, add-in a spoonful of belacan (chilli paste) on top of it!
it sure leave u screaming and sweating throughout ur eating ordeal!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

An affair

Me & my "office darling" used to have an affair during our lunchtime at a secret meet-up place by the pool site ;-)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Leisure Time

I miss the moment when i have much leisure time during the end of Dec 2011...
 things could go tremendously opposite the week after, and things could change drastically with a different dimension in jst one nite!
horrible isn't it?
Nothing is constant...
The only constant thing is changes...
it happens every single moment, and it is scary
certain things are just hard to let go...
but i have to let go my friendship and mutual trust...
just hoping that one day they will realized...
that i m doin it all with good intention and with pure heart ;-)

Midnite Review

This would be my first & last proposal review...
Till then, au lang syne and I will move on...
to a greenier pasture and to a far-away land...
half the globe away...
i'm gonna miss this moment ;-)

Happy Chinese New Year!

I dun usually go to shopping malls to have a look-and-feel of the CNY decor...
but jst happened that i passed-by Cheras Leisure Mall as it was an outing with colleague...
it was full of ambience with a pair of dragon hanging from both corners, surrounded with many red lanterns!
 over at the office, my cubicle is being blessed with a mini-sized mandarin orange, very 'ket lei' wan...
and i spread my 'ket lei' to other cubicles too! 
 some artist created a masterpiece on the oranges!
till then


An outlet has been opened nearby my area.
The place is cosy, and sometimes packed with patrons.
My first debut of Lemon Honey
and 2 days later, i went to buy their infamous pearl milk tea...
tasted so-so oni, the pearl is munchable but hard to digest!

My new handbag!

a gift to myself for best achievement in year 2011...wuakakakaka!
do u likey?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Commercial Buildings and the Office

Surprisingly, despite a small company, the office in Hanoi is decorated with various paintings...
 the below was claimed to be coated with gold!
on another side of the wall, 3 paintings hung side-by-side 
 the antz!
 a closer view of my fav piece of art...
 and the 'ancient coin' painting at the entrance!
 it seems that the boss is also a re-seller of paintings...with some ranging up to 20K USD per piece!
i wonder which one is that?
 outside the building, while waiting for the taxi back to itchy hand snapped a few pictures...
Hanoi is an artistic place, even their tiles are colourful and nice looking!
 their buildings are not too commercial...with some being SoHo
 just like this office-cum-residential building
 there are also some new ones which looks modern, like the one below...
 and some colonial buildings built during the pre-war era
 as mentioned, Hanoi is a very artistic place, even the internal flooring has tiles with paintings on it!
 this place is really full of surprise and varieties...
 finally, the bird-eye view of the city from the was hazy on that day....or should i say the city is hazy all the time???
there goes my 2-day trip in Hanoi city...

Shoe Hunting

This was a few months back, was browsing around the shops particularly Sketchers brand coz i prefer their lightweight walking shoes. Nope, i...