Thursday, January 12, 2012

Microsoft Windows Server 8 Sharing Session

It just happened that i was clearing leave on Dec month-end, and somehow an ex-colleague texted me to attend this so-called his debut talk in an Microsoft sharing event.
This was the first time of me attending such technical sharing session on a product that is yet to be in the market.
also, it was also my first time listening to his talk 
despite not knowing much about the product, i gained some insights on how the virtualization works in MS Windows Server 8, and also some knowledge on bitlocker vs trucript
the event ended at 6...i was darn tired by then coz of the yellow fever jab that i took that morning...
but anyhow, seeing my ex-colleague now who is so successful has inspire me to be like him, someone who put interest in his job. Working is not just for the sake of getting things done but also as part of interest and learning process. And eventually success will come after.

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