Monday, March 29, 2010

Random Craps

For no reason, i got a terrible headache from sleep. Wth. Not a good way to start my Monday.

Looking at the new tender, i m all out of mood of doing again on the second go. The first was a rocky experience but hopefully this time will be a smooth sailing one.

Well, weekend was good, at least i got enuff rest @ home, instead of out under the hot sun. For 2 consecutive days, i was totally disconnected from the net and away from pc. Instead, i spent time in front of the idiot box, which seems amusing than the net. Managed to catch-up with some of the national tv series and movies, such as F1 race, ‘Down with Love’, ‘Lust, Caution’, ‘Hochiak’, ‘Healthy Living’ and plus an English movie ‘The Shaggy Dog’. Apart, i had an outing dinner with family on Saturday night!

Hav a weird dream on last nite. It seems that one discrete part of my brain tends to ‘playback’ my schooling days. Of all the memories, i wonder why does it choose to playback this section? Damn. It was so unpleasant to dream of attending school assemblies, with everyting being so real, and the familiar faces of schoolmates. Not that i dislike school, but dreaming of a ‘formal scene in school’ during SLEEP is just a nitemare. I woke up feeling sluggish and fatigue.

There is this weird hormone going around my brain that sags down my energy and mood. Why? Am i depressed or what? I’ve got everyting under the sky. But what is that ‘worries’ that is bothering me? OCD, OCPD? But somehow, all seems to be temporary forgotten when i think of Adam. So, who’s this Adam btw? Yes, tht famous gay fella that rocks America. He sure got lotsa charms for being an idolistic person. Me? i got zero charm.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I suddenly felt an urge to shop and splurge. It has been quite some time since i last do a proper shopping. It was kinda restraint coz many of times i was just chauffeuring parents for their grocery shoppin’ and imagine having these elders waiting for u while u are doing ur picks, it feels kinda uneasy. Hence, i prefer doing shopping alone and without the interference of anyone (on my purchase decision), but somehow i have not been getting the freedom for doing so coz the elders would alwiz want to follow...sigh...again, i have to put aside my intention. Maybe some may think its’ weird to shop alone, but i do get a clear mind (when minus the ‘noises and comments’ from others) and decide much better. And the most heartache of it, despite explaining this zillion times to them (the elders), they still tinks i m a total weirdo. Well, i may b a loner but not a weirdo!

If given the chance to shop alone, i will be buying:

Clothes, yes, a trendy one!

A pair of durable quality court shoe for work.

A pair of Vincci sandals.

A handbag.

New handphone, model undecided yet.

New digicam, i hav Canon powershot in mind.


Believe me or not but i hav been longing for cotton candy and herbal boiled egg!

Ruffles chips!

Dine in a cosy Chinese restaurant...


Travel package to Japan. Everyone in the office has been talking about travels...

And lastly....*drum roll please*

I want to buy a property!

And now, do u tink i m shopaholic??? Buying property wouldn’t be that soon...Calculating all those $ figures (stamp duty, lawyer’s fees, agent’s fees etc) makes me wonder how long more i could achieve this childhood ambition.


CNY feast

Before the lunar New Year ended, there was another round of feast @ home. This time, it was not some home cook dishes, but mainly ‘take-away’ ones. As usual, there were steamed chicken from Ipoh Chicken Rice restaurant, Cantonese-style-beancurd from the neighbourhood dai-pai-dong, homecooked steamed fish tail, and not to forget, the must have ‘yee-sang’ from Esquire Kitchen restaurant. A variety of dishes bought from different places, all laid on the dinner table...makes a perfect meal.
The succulent steamed chicken
Our fav cantonese-style-beancurd
Steamed fish tail
And lastly the must have 'yee-sang'
Bon appetit!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

And I’m Feeling Good

Watching Adam with his stylish performance does make me feel good...but of course, there is more or less some other happenin’s around that makes it better. Thank God, I finally got some reply regarding a long-due-issue, and it’s a positive outcome. Plus, there’s gonna be some boss treating us lunch tomoro!
It’s undeniably good 'enuff' to work in a place with daily free lunch (no kidding!) and free parking, and on top of that, with occasional hi-tea’s and boss treat. Oh, btw, I got a red-packet (angpao) from company too!*amount undisclosed.

Updates on Fri (5 March):

Here's wht i had @ TGIF (pics were from their website as i did not snap any)...Apart from my personal Jack Daniels's steak, i had these as starters...drooling....i luv TGIF!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Vostro 1320

Recently I got another new lappie from company. Counting the numbers of lappie that i had since started working, this would be my sixth, excluding loan units (that is for testing purpose, of course!).
I kinda luv @ first sight for this one coz it has 4GB RAM! Apart from that, it is also running on Windows 7...damn cool! Someting better than stoopid Vista.
For those morons who dunno how to utilize these, at least there is still one cool and useful thing about this lappie, which is the design, well, i mean the COVER. It is so shiny that u can even mirror ur ass!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Adam Lambert, u rock!

Been watching on last season American Idol (rerun) since the past few weeks. I can’t help myself from being so affectionately crazy over Kris and Adam. Both of them are talented and good looking, but too bad, one is married and the other is gay.

There were several great performances from Kris, but as I watched the few final shows, it seems that Adam dominated the competition by setting a standard so high that is hardly achievable by the rest.

It was then when he sung ‘Feeling Good’ that really stunned me. Oh damn, he was so fashionably stylish when he strut down the stairs dominating the stage and performing as if he was in a James Bond-style kinda-movie. Dun believe? You should watch THIS!

Farking cool ain’t he?

Each time when he reaches that high pitch note, i was like ‘awwwwwwhhh’....oh man, tis is so unbelievable, my jaws dropped and my eyes went wide. How he did it?

I have been listening to the conventional ‘Feeling Good’ song and i tot that Michael Buble’s version is the best, not until i heard him with his absolutely unique Adam’s style. Hell yeah, that was crazy.

Both live and studio recording were good, though some differences here and there but overall still as great, especially the finale part of the song. A twisted-dramatic-end to the song makes it sound so GOOD....

How do u feel now?

Shoe Hunting

This was a few months back, was browsing around the shops particularly Sketchers brand coz i prefer their lightweight walking shoes. Nope, i...