Monday, November 11, 2013

Fried Carrot Cake

During my childhood days, I had fried carrot cake whenever we go to Pasar Malam (neighbourhood weekly night market)...coz it was cheap back then...something like RM1.50...
eventually i grew fond of eating this (though i did not know the name of this food back then)...but it is unhealthy due to it being fried with lard and recyclable oil...
Over the years, we no longer buy this coz this is more of a snack than a proper meal and definately unhealthy with lards and fried stuffs.
hence, this has became an 'exclusive' food where i can only get to enjoy once in a blue moon :-(

Friday, November 8, 2013

La Cremeria ice cream with Waffle

I recently got indulged with this Comfort food... 
La Cremeria with Waffle...
nice combination..and taste much better than Baskin Robbins and Haadgen Daz!
definately much better than popcorns
imma c.e.r.t.i.f.i.e.d junkie

Myspace Graphics
Bon Appetit!

Tanjong Pagar

Many years ago (while I was still a student), I took the KTMB train back to KL from the Old Railway Station in Keppel Road. It's a bit o...