Venue: Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur
When: 12:30pm - 4:30pm
Went to the gah-var-man's open house on yesterday (1st day of Raya). Being a lil' anti-govt these days, i proudly admit that I went there purposely for food, and not to support them.
I have been absent frm such occasion for merely 2 years, coz back then i was working on both Raya days. I decided to make a comeback this year as to feel the 'merriment' and to savour local delicacies, especially my favorite lemang and rendang.
50,000 kgs of food stuffs
14 main dishes
24 local kuihs
750 staffs
150 security personel
45 chefs
5 halls
200,000 expected turnout visitors
10,000 visitors at any particular time
I brought home these...
Currypuff, from gah-var-ment, not ol' Chang Kee
wahaha, u go there jut for food? u din shake hand with pak lah arr?
Hmm.... is it worth all the jam for hari raya food?
BB Community: I have shake his hand more than twice...sometime before he became PM...i dun tink there is a need to shake his hand so many times...
chee hoe: there is no jam during raya...the traffic is so smooth in KL...
wah! u went! i tot of going too as i nvr been to any open house of ppl i dunno personally..but shy lar.. hehhehehe.. anyway, the popiah is my all time fav kuih :D eat wif chilly yum... :D
nice food!
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