Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Naengmyeon & Pajeon

Yes, the same ol' place that I went for my Korean food fix...
 Mi NaRae!
I was having all 3-in-1 meal that early evening....
So there goes my feast!
cold noodles - Naengmyeon
it was so refreshing eating this noodles with cold sourish soup...there were a few huge cubes of ice served in the soup too...
and Korean pancake - Pajeon
I had this seafood Pajeon all by myself....but I overestimate my stomach capacity...had to 'tapau' back after eating 2 pieces.


mun said...

I have eaten this cold noodle too at one K restaurant. Do you like it?

PH said...

Cold noodles with ice cube in the soup? I don't think I will like this. I have tried a Korean cold soup before. Not used to it and I find it weird.

Nux V said...

Mun: yes, I like it, but I don't prefer to having something so icy cold as the main course in a meal. Maybe as a starter would be fine.

Phong Hong: yea, it is weird & different.

Twilight Man said...

I am always fond of Korean food since I first tasted them in US while staying with Korean students. I noticed that the Korean restaurants in Malaysia seems to have very identical menu. This restaurant is slightly unique!

Lotus said...

Don't think I will like cold food

Family Dinner at Chee Seong Restaurant

Just a simple family dinner in the neighborhood Chinese restaurant. The last time I dined with family was during CNY this was so...