Monday, January 13, 2020

Bangkok Thailand, Day 2 - Grand Palace

Got 'lost' in some back alleys in Ratchathewi...while on our way to look for the braised pork leg rice...but anyhow I was fascinated by the window grills as they are colorful and hav various patterns...lolx!
We took the 'water taxi' (aka boat ride) to the Grand Palace.
It doesn't feel like a boat ride but more of like taking a bus with numerous stops along the Chao Phraya river. There was a conductor in the boat that signals to the 'driver' with their whistle language on when to stop/maneuver the boat. I have never seen this before as nowadays people use walkie talkie. Taking this ride is similar to taking public bus where passenger has to alert on when to alight. There are 30 plus piers along the river and the boat does not stop at every pier, u need to press the bell button for your next stop. 
The boats are noisy and not the comfy type (imagine taking the non air-cond bus with smokes and diesel smell) and there are plenty of boats in the same river. Kinda polluted with noise and smokes.
 After alighting from the pier, we walked for about 10 minutes before reaching the Palace. It was a sunny weather and the Grand Palace was crowded with tourists mainly from China.
The street along the palace was cordoned off...not sure if it is done only during weekends (?) due to massive visitors
inside the compound...
the golden pagoda
some other entrance
view from the outside
a mix of traditional and western-style buildings
it's good that they cordoned off the street, I got to have clear view of the palace without obstruction from buses/bigger vehicles
we didn't spend much time in there as it was hot....later we adjourned to the nearby area for sight-seeing
the Ministry of Defence building
the army guard....i pitied him for having to endure the hot weather under the thick layered uniform.
nearby tuk-tuk
nice view along this feels like....'Macao' than 'Bangkok'...lolx
I tink these are government offices...
a very well-maintained garden
This area is a touristy spot, hence the police are on standby to guard the traffics
We left the place by noon and adjourned to Chatuchak for lunch and shopping.


PH said...

I was looking for the braised pork leg rice. LOL!

mun said...

I feel that the weather is very hot looking at your photos.

Nux V said...

PH: I have posted that in this blog already.

Mun: yes, it was hot and sunny morning.

Lotus said...

Thanks for sharing the photos, i enjoy looking at them. I did not visit grand palace during my last trip to bkk due to time constraint.

Lotus said...

The ministry of defence looks like some kind of french and european architecture.

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