Monday, January 6, 2020

A Few Hours Before 2020

Took leave on 31st December to clear off my remaining annual leave. Since I have no where to go and lazy to drive further, I head back to the office....I mean somewhere nearby the office.
 A stage has been set up for the countdown that evening. It was still early for concert but there was some sort of aerobic activities goin on.
 it was a hot evening despite sunset, as it didn't rain during the day.
 Had my dinner at Yoshinoya. This bowl of chicken teriyaki rice bowl + runny egg and a scoop of chili 'sambal' costs RM18.80
doesn't look good, but ok-la. I tink I will stick back to their beef bowl rice.
Left the mall after the dinner to avoid caught in the countdown jam.
Then I went to the apartment to collect some stuffs and letters.
KL city looked bright and vibrant from afar. Here's the view an hour before the clock struck 12.
2020 will be an awesome year!
(confidence mode 'on')


Rose world said...

It was rainy day over here. Actually been raining since last few days of 2019 into 2020. Only today, we get to see clear sky in the afternoon. Phew.

The runny egg looked good. Haha. Nice shot of KL.

Lotus said...

Sg yoshinoya has revamped their menu, no longer having salmon rice bowl, so i won't be patronising yoshinoya for the time being as i do not like their new menu.

mun said...

I thought you went to your office mall for the countdown event but you left before that pulak. Will you be moving to your place or renting it out? you didn't stay at your place to look at the various fireworks around everywhere (should be able to see some since your unit is so high up). Happy New Year 2020 to you!

Nux V said...

Rose world: oh....nice to get some rain over the time....It's so hot in KL these days.

Libby: salmon rice bowl is also my fav...but I think it is not available over here too, coz I don't see it in the menu.

Mun: I'll be staying there occasionally. Not so much interested in looking at the fireworks unless it is super awesome like those in Japan...lolx

Diana Diane Teo said...

Believe or not, I have yet to try Yoshinoya even in Japan cause majority served with beef and I can't have beef due to religion issue. The KL photo you took is super clear and vibrant. Cool pic

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