Monday, April 22, 2019

All around Club Med Bali....

On my free and 'lazy' day, i would explore around and joined whatever indoor activities available.
They have various water activities as well as circus-like-trampoline (but too challenging for yours truly). Hence while figuring out what to do, i walked aimlessly and captured whatever nice scenery and the 'lazy atmosphere'...
(Below) A typical block of rooms
the ground floor rooms have a verandah with lazy beach bench
meanwhile, the first floor rooms have balcony
the top floor rooms (which I believe is the cheapest) only have the sliding window
Along the walkway, you can see the makeshift tray - these are for the tenants to put/return their cocktail glass after finished drinking. The bar offers free-flow drinks (selected cocktails only) and the tenants can bring the glass out (of the bar) to enjoy.
green grass where u can roll-over....ala Bollywood-style
i went to the Zen pool, for some peace and quiet time
Tenants can order juice (foc), have a dip and read a book while lazying here...
but they are not allowed to talk too loud as this place is meant to be calm and quiet (zen)
(Below) The 'swinging bed'....nice to enjoy during the evening when the weather is not too hot!
i wish i could stay here longer...
There is also a small temple within the Club Med compound....i did not go in coz need to dress appropriately...
The archeries are available throughout the day until 6pm.
i played many rounds till my arm!
after 6....went to enjoy the sunsets by the beach
the evening view
getting darker
the air was cooler by then
i 'heart' Bali


mun said...

wow! so you are robin hood now who is so skillful with bow and arrow. or you are william tell who can split an apple into half with your arrow.

mun said...

free flow selected cocktail!? wow! nice! did you drink many glasses or are the selected cocktails not tasty?

PH said...

So nice lah to lepak2 in such surroundings. Wah, you can shoot arrows! Got kena bulls eye or not? LOL!

Rose world said...

Beautiful shots. Lovely sky.

Archery! Played few times. Indeed, hands and arms aching after few rounds.

Lotus said...

Lovely surroundings. I would go for a swim at the Zen pool in the evening, not under the hot sun definitely.

Recep Hilmi TUFAN | said...

Happy holi(lazy)day

Nux V said...

Mun: i did not drink much.

PH: i'm a lousy archer...

Rose world: weather was hot despite the lovely sky.

Libby: u can dip at a shadowy part of the pool to avoid the sun.

ReHiTu: thanks, but that was a more than half year ago!

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...