Monday, August 8, 2022

Baskin Robbins, The Alley, Black Whale & RT

From the title of this post you will know that this is a 'chapalang' (mixed) post....on various F&B.

Baskin Robbins
Me & my parents registered our BR membership some time last year and one of the perks is that there's free ice-cream to treat a 'friend'.
Instead of treating a 'friend', I send the coupon to my parents and vice-versa.
So, ended up we had 3 ice-creams...all of them are single scoop on cone. Here's our choice of flavor:
First: Choc Chip flavor
Second: Cookies n Cream flavor
Third: Macadamia Nuts 'n Cream flavor
I have tasted all 3 and my fav is Macadamia Nuts 'n Cream.

The Alley
Despite passing by 'The Alley' several times, this was my first time tasted 'The Alley'...It was an impromptu purchase as I wanted to try out other brands of boba and ended up with this.
So far, this is the priciest one (of all the bubble milk tea that I've tried) at RM14.90 for a medium cup.
And tastewise was just so-so...almost same as others.

Black Whale
On another day, I went next door to have Black Whale which is at a cheaper range. I had their signature milk tea at RM6.90 (or RM7.90 can't remember...somewhere there) and it tastes just as good. Really can't differentiate the quality between them, coz they taste somewhat similar.

I also bought 2 boxes of egg tarts from RT Bakery. 
Each box has 2 pieces at the price of RM5.40 per box (RM2.70 per piece).
I prefer this type of crust than the flaky ones sold in TK, so I will be buying this again whenever i see it.


mun said...

Thanks for the review. Now I am tempted to eat BR macadamia ice cream and also try the RT pastry egg tart pastry crust though I think I have eaten this RT egg tart before but have forgotten about it already. I seldom drink boba milk tea so I also don't know much about the alley and black whale.

Jeevan said...

Everything looks yummy, and the ice creams are top-notch! Glad you enjoyed

Nancy Chan said...

I will pick macadamia nuts n cream and the egg tarts. Yums.

Stacy said...

After trying A LOT of BR flavours, I don't have a fav. Normally I like nuts but theirs aren't crunchy eg in the Jamaican rocky road. If I choose one safe flavour that everyone quite likes, it'd be Love Potion.

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