Monday, June 15, 2020

Just some updates...

Am currently back in the office for good...well it's only for Monday & Tuesday. The rest of it will be WFH.
Meanwhile let's see what I had for lunch in the office....
 yummmmzzzz….sardines & tuna!!!
nope, those are not mine, but for the cats. The office cats are so well fed with delicious canned food and kibbles...
I wonder if the taste is same as our canned tuna?
Nope, I did not try the cat food....lolx, leave it to the cats alone.
here's my lunch....
 garlic bread!
The office admin replenished the supplies and now the whole fridge is stuffed with garlic bread. I'm so willingly to help myself with these.
 Meanwhile, the 'office phone' has arrived. Now that we are working semi-remotely, each staff is equipped with a personal mobile which comes with a data plan.
I need to 'explore' this abit before starting to use it.
While in the office today, I bumped into an outspoken stranger.
I was at the corridor when this stranger walking past towards my direction. He has a neat look with a laptop bag and can easily mistaken for a newly joined staff or some vendor or some staffs from the office next door.
I thought he might be from the office next door, then took a glanced at him and back to my phone (I was making a call).
Then suddenly stranger greeted....
Stranger: Welcome back!
Me: ~~silent~~
*huh?? was stunned and dunno how to react with an impromptu greeting...but what the heck 'welcome back'??? do I know u? Are u our staff?
then, I uttered back
And you are???
Stranger: just tht everyone is back, so yea welcome back!
Me: oohhh *nodding
*then he turned and said
Stranger: btw, I m Steve
Me: ??? *nodding
*stranger continued to walk and gone from sight
I wonder if this fella walked past and greeted anyone just like that?!? I mean, it's not our Malaysian or perhaps Asian culture to greet people on the street so cordially. Btw, he is Asian (Chinese) but he speaks very accented English...mayb he just came back from abroad.


Rose world said...

Weird stranger. Normal stranger wouldnt not do that. Haha.

2 days a week in office and the rest work from home? That is very flexible. Good too as the cases still rising. Stay safe.

mun said...

The office cats are outdoor cats, right? Who have been feeding them during mco n cmco time? Good that they were fed.

Nux V said...

Rose world: yea, stay safe!

Mun: yes, outdoor cats. Not sure who has been feeding them, could be the security guards. The cats are like our community cats.

PH said...

LOL! Certain places overseas like USA, people greet you in the neighborhood. It can be weird for us because we are not used to it.

Tekkaus said...

Your company is really good. Providing smartphone and garlic bread. :)

Wish I am working in such a company.

Nux V said...

PH: yea...culture shock if practice that over here...

Tekkaus: just surviving only. Smartphone with broadband to replace phone/internet allowances, meaning our allowance will get deducted.

Nancy Chan said...

I have met some strangers who are very friendly at the park. When they walk past us, they will greet us with a good morning or give us a big smile. Your office management is so caring, stocking up the food pantry and providing personal mobile together with data plan. Take care and stay safe.

Lotus said...

You are right, i guess he must hv lived abroad or educated abroad, i know strangers in australia just greet one another with a hello and a smile. We are just not used to it.

Nux V said...

Nancy Chan: yes, the office management have to stock up other supplies such as toiletries and beverages so these are done at once. Mobile is for work related, so it is necessary coz nobody wants to use their personal mobile for work. Stay save and take care to u too ;-)

Libby: haha, yea.

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