Friday, June 14, 2024

Rockley Beach & Misc

Can't get enuff of vitamin-sea, so I keep on posting pictures of the Caribbean SeaπŸ˜‚
alrite alrite...i know you have enuff of looking at my boring beach now i switch to some other 'view'....
the country flagπŸ˜…πŸ˜
More flags outside!
Along the stretch of Main Street, there are number of 'touristy' restaurants and hotels....very much like Bali/Langkawi island.
Well, tourism is one of Barbados main economic drivers apart from the international business sector and foreign direct-investment. So, it is common to see tourists flocking around this area...but not under the hot sun like meπŸ˜‚
By noon, I took the shuttle van back to the apartment and got back to 'reality'.
Gotta do laundry coz it was weekend, else i got no clothes to wear to office on MondayπŸ˜…
Laundry is self-service washing machine which you need to purchase a token. BBD4 (USD2) per token for washer and another BBD4 (USD2) for dryer.
Then, snack time! Yes, I'm a junkie!
Also ordered delivery for dinner, they have Hopscotch Fetch which is their version of our Foodpanda/Grabfood Delivery.
This was my dinner - flying fish & chips with salads.
Can't remember which restaurant & how much was this coz it was paid by my colleague.


Lotus said...

Working trip? Nice! I used to travel to Canada Vancouver and Mount Whistler work related but not go there to work but to have a holiday as it is a trip sponsored by our suppliers, fully sponsored.

mun said...

How many times did you go to the beach when you were there? Does the flying fish taste good? 😊

Lotus said...

Had cut down on snacks totally cos they are expensive and give me the sore throat lol. How was the fish and chips with salad?

Nux V said...

Lotus: yea, working trip. The fish and chips with salad was OK, but would be better if eaten warm/hot when served in the restaurant.

Mun: I went to the beach area on every weekend. Just a short trip to the beach from my apartment, to buy foods and some necessities at the nearby local marts. Flying fish tastes like sardines, mild and without fishy smell. Quite nice.

Tanjong Pagar

Many years ago (while I was still a student), I took the KTMB train back to KL from the Old Railway Station in Keppel Road. It's a bit o...