Tuesday, June 11, 2024

From the Souvenir Shop along Rockley Beach

How often do you go to a souvenir shop?
Nope, I don't unless I have no choice....well, i mean not for shopping purpose but to seek shelter because of terrible weather, or just merely accompanying people to buy stuffs.
The price at souvenir shops is pricey...as they targetted tourist, so definitely not for me. I would go all the way to shop at a local mart whenever possible.
[Throwback post from November last year]
Halfway strolling along the beach, it rained heavily. Me and my colleague have to seek for shelter nearby. We ran to the complex and went into a souvenir shop on the pretext of shopping for souvenirs😂
I saw something familiar...(or maybe not)
It is money holders for Christmas....hmmm....something like angpao packet? interesting....
Not long after, the rain stopped.
It rained again then it stopped, then it rained again....it's a on-and-off downpour which is quite common in Barbados.
The cloudy skies outside....
and windy too
hurricanes are quite common from June to November....so, just beware when going out.
You can see the choppy sea from afar.
It's drizzling with cloudy skies and strong waves.
While the skies turned dark again, we hurriedly walked to the next shelter....a gift shop!
This one selling tea...
and chocolates....
In fancy boxes...
nice to see, nice to touch....but pricey to buy😂
There is another souvenir shop next to this tea & chocolates gift shop.
We went in to look see look see....
The famous Caribbean hot sauce....I did not buy from here but bought a cheaper one at a local shop.
This souvenir shop also sells magic towel with the size smaller than your palm...it will expand when water is added.
We were the only Asians there, definitely look like 'tourist' but not the crazy rich Asian who go holidaying in the Caribbean😂
Just 2 cheapo Asians looking for rain shelter and hang out until the rain stops😅


mun said...

Thank you for the photos. Good that the store sales people didn't push the goods to you both. 👍😊

Lotus said...

Interesting. Not only got CNY Ang pow packets, but also got Christmas packets. Same here, whenever me and my buddy go overseas, we would just window shop at the souvenir shops to pass time and not buy. The fancy boxes look so exquisite. Beautiful seaside photos with blue sea even though the waters are choppy.

Lotus said...

Will the towel shrink back to smaller size when it turns dry? Lol. I love your writing in this work trip travel post, the writing flows so smoothly and has a sense of humour too. Thanks for sharing.

Nux V said...

Lotus: Thanks for liking my writing style! I don't think the towel will shrink back to its original size when turn dry. Maybe just shrink a little. I'm also wondering...lol!

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to normal....no more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...