Tuesday, March 16, 2021

House Viewing

Went for a house viewing to 'kepoh'...
Someone just got the keys to the new apartment and i was tagging along to 'look see look see'.
Rainy days when we went there.
Impressive interior in the building. The lift lobby looks like some sort of hotel lift lobby!
very artistic ceiling lightings....and new furnitures/sofas at the lounge...
Though i foresee these will spoil after a while.
while these are still new & glorious looking, just took a picture for 'remembrance'
The pool at recreational area. It is still closed due to CMCO
Ping pong room
BBQ area with table and chairs
the BBQ pit is next to the sink. Quite convenient!
Giant chess board
Infinity pool with bridge
Hanging swing..
The white sphere is so out of place and i have no idea what's that for.
There are also indoor gym, children's playground, sauna and karaoke room (did not manage to snap picture)...Very much like hotel's amenities, so convenient as one could simply enjoy/leisure within the building without having to drive out.
But all these amenities don't come cheap. The monthly maintenance fee costs a bomb!
Would you prefer an apartment with lotsa leisure amenities or just simple/practical ones which is much cheaper?


Tekkaus said...

The facilities here are really amazing to say the least. The chess set looks incredible.

Nancy Chan said...

Usually these facilities will be under utilized after a while. I would prefer a more practical and cheaper option.

mun said...

Prefer landed houses than condo units.

PH said...

Very posh lah. There are apartment units at Uptown and the monthly maintenance fees alone is equal to some people's monthly salary! I would prefer simple ones that are affordable. No need for the glam. LOL!

Rose world said...

I love looking at showhouse. Hehe. I dont mind such house viewing.

Stacy said...

Spanking new and looks good. If given the choice, I'd go for landed property and join a club for amenities. Hmm but with the two options you gave... of course if can afford then the really nice one!

Lotus said...

I prefer HDB flats with shops and eateries just nearby, condo apartments in SG are very expensive and small, I also prefer central accessible location rather than suburb location.

Twilight Man said...

The lobby looks nice and grand. I love that!

My friend's condo is right behind BSC in Bangsar. Every month his condo maintenance is over RM2500!!!!!

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