Friday, November 6, 2020

Santan Tom Yum Noodles, Tesco Potato Chips & Big Value Ice Cream

When one is confined at home, the only relieving activity is to indulge mean junk food
Bought this cup noodles from Santan restaurant (in Mid Valley). This is the brand sold in Air Asia flight. But since nowadays there isn't much flight, these cup noodles are on sale at RM1 each! (RM1.05 nett after tax).
It is near the expiry date (Nov 2020).
I had it the following day after i bought. The seasoning soup doesn't taste good, not sure if it is because of nearing expiry date~~
But the packaging was intact and in good condition.
Tesco chips at RM2 per pack (of 60gram).
This time i tried on the tom yum flavor....Tasty and addictive!
I should have buy more!!! 
Finally, vanilla with chocolate coating ice cream stick...
Super cheap from Big Value...
guess how much?
40 cent (RM0.40) per stick only!
It is sold in a box of 5 sticks (at RM2 per box)...
again, should have buy more of these~~~
These junks are finished by thinking on what to buy next!


Nancy Chan said...

Hmmm these are the junks that I would love to indulge in.

Twilight Man said...

So shiok to see cheap things. I want to try the Tom Yum Noodles and Chips. Aiyo. How to slim down??

Nux V said...

Nancy Chan: yay high5!

Twilight Man: no need to slim down la....😋

mun said...

Eh, you can buy ice cream from big value so means you got an ice box in your car? Good! I eat crisps and once start sure cannot stop.the santan cup taste I believe is like that, not because it is near expiry date.

Nux V said...

Mun: not my car. Mine stil don't have ice box😐. The santan cup tom yum taste jst not on par if tht is supposed to be like tht.

Rose world said...

Junk food!! But I like snacking. On chips and ice cream.

Diana Diane Teo said...

Looks like you love Tom Yam cause both of the instant noodle and chips are the same flavour. Hahaha... Not really a fan of instant noodle. Hardly have them but when comes to chips, oh my - I just can't help myself. I haven't try chips from Tesco yet. Hopefully someday can make a trip to KL and visit Tesco.

Diana Diane Teo said...

40 cent for an ice-cream???!!! That's dirt cheap...
Nowadays with 40 cents I doubt can buy anything

Lotus said...

Chips snacks are expensive, just one pack can easily cost S$5.00, lucky that I am not so much of a snack person. But I don't mind ice cream once in a while.

Nux V said...

Libby: those mst be imported well known brands such as Lays, Kettles etc.

Nux V said...

Diane Diane Teo: yea dirt cheap stock clearance sale. Nevertheless it taste good!

Nux V said...

Diane Diane Teo: I like sourish spicy snacks😀

Nux V said...

Rose world: yay high5!

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