Thursday, November 19, 2020

Kettle Brand Potato Chips

Continuation post from my solo 'escape' to The Gardens/Mid Valley....
Well, my 'outing' to the shopping malls were sort of jail break after days of not goin out of the house.
It was pre-planned as i took leave just to spend some time outside of the house 😃
Saw this display in AEON departmental store, nearby the ladies clothing.
Am wondering, is there any Japanese festival goin on??
meanwhile, i went on to buy some BK burgers coz there were having promo of 2 burgers for RM9. See the link here.
I also went to the Jaya Grocer (The Baker's Son) to get a marble cake, as i previously mentioned of wanting to try it after tasted the butter cake.
The whopper jr. burgers are indeed worth the price coz it is more filling...The other 2 that I tried are cheeseburger and chicken burger which tasted similar to McDs. These burgers were shared by 3 pax.
As for the marble cake, it was kinda disappointing as i can't detect any butter taste in it. So, no more marble cake from Jaya Grover next time.
Ever since CMCO started, i was sort of moody seeing the high number of COVID-19 cases reported daily. To cheer up, i bought this bag of 'imported potato chips'.
Priced at RM13.80, i put high hopes on least must fare better than Ruffles/Lays.
The chips are much firmer, with the texture similar to cassava chips, but still there's not much potato flavour...similar to Lays standards....another disappointing product!
I think i shall stick back to Tesco brand potato chips which are much cheaper.


PH said...

I have seen this Kettle brand potato chips but have not bought to try. Based on your opinion, I can skip this. But I want to eat BK burgers again.

Rose world said...

I love potato chips. Have not go to shopping malls for a long time.

Anna said...

How's the taste

Tekkaus said...

My first time seeing this brand of potato chips.

mun said...

Wah, so nice, a planned jail break! I wonder when I will allow myself to go to Midvalley Mall again. I am so down too seeing yesterday high cases again. Many condos near my place got cases like Park lane OUG, Anjung Hijau Bukit Jalil and etc. So teruk, right?

mun said...

Ya, why got the Japanese clothing decors ah in Aeon? I wonder too. Ok, marble cake no butter taste. But is Jaya Grocer butter cake good enough butter taste for you?

mun said...

I seldom eat crisps or chips because always cut the inside of my mouth. The pieces are quite sharp. Ya you better buy more Tesco chips to eat to feel happy. I bought so much cakes to eat.

Twilight Man said...

I used to by Kettle Brand when they offered Buy 1 Free 1. The salted vinegar flavour will really wake up dead zombies.

Sakuranko said...

Oh so the interesting brand of potato chips

Lotus said...

The japanese clothing display looks so beautiful. Maybe you should stick to tesco brand chips, cheap and good, pun intended lol.

Nancy Chan said...

I think I will go out to get some nice cakes and Tesco chips to cheer up too. But I think I better wait till the situation improves'

Stacy said...

Oh Kettle chips are my current indulgence. They're two for RM22 on Shoppee and I've been trying out all the flavours.

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