Thursday, June 13, 2019

Raya Lunch @ Office

We had our Raya potluck in the office. A few Malay colleagues brought their home-cooked specialties...and we feasted like there's no tomorrow...
helping ourselves with the food
rendang and lemang
 roti jala, curry chicken, fried noodles, sambal
 lontong sayur 
 nasi impit and kuah kacang (peanut sauce)
we had cupcakes for dessert
 these flowers are not made of sugar nor icing is made of mung beans
 my colleagues who purposely wear baju kurung for this 'occassion'...they were acting cute in front of the camera ;-)


mun said...

mung beans flowers on cupcakes are so special! I wanna try! Your colleagues are so friendly to do this pot luck makan makan and they are good cooks too. can tell by how delicious the food looks in the photo.

Rose world said...

So nice of your colleagues to bring dishes for the office potluck. Everyone showing off their culinary huh? Haha.

The cupcakes were so beautiful.

PH said...

Wah...yummy home cooked Malay food is the best! The cupcakes are so pretty. How does the mung bean frosting taste?

Nux V said...

Mun: once a year raya potluck...and yes, they are good cook...some inherited the skills from their parents/in-laws who served in the royal kitchen as well as those who operates stalls.

Rose world: lol, yea time to showcase their 'family specialties'!

PH: taste like mung bean cake.

Lotus said...

Wow! What a feast! I like Malay food as got rendang and curry. All the food here look good. The mung bean cupcake flowers look so pretty.

Twilight Man said...

I love your office colleagues! The mung bean flowers is definitely a healthy thing to eat. So pretty lah!

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