Friday, February 8, 2019

The Usual CNY....

CNY is just another ordinary occasion as we dun celebrate it extravagantly.
As usual, the snacking at home in front of the TV...
Unfortunately our main TV spoilt before CNY and we have to watch from the smaller 'spare' TV, which is not syiok at all.
Nevertheless, I 'syiok sendiri' with my fav arrowhead chips, seaweed chips, peanuts and Sarsi....yuuuummmmzzzz when snacking all these together!!!!
 and during Chor-1, the usual 'lousang' with family
 but it is my 3rd round of yeesang, so....
Heavy downpour during the evening of Chor-1 and 2, but it was hot in the daytime. I looked forward to getting back to the office so that I could 'ON' the aircond to the max, while enjoying my quiet time there....
*U must tink i m siao ar!
 Yes, i was so excited to be back in the office on Chor-3, never been so excited to go to work...hahaha!
Coz all bosses not around....I even had my fav Texas chicken for lunch!
*no choice, all eateries were closed.
There were less than 10 people in the office on Chor-3, and it was so 'peaceful'


mun said...

Ok lah, you got snack a lot this CNY. This CNY I made a resolution for no cookies and deep fried snacks so I did not buy any and did not eat any except for a one-time lapse to binge on Hup Seng Cream Crackers, LOLX! I also hoi kong on Chor 3 and my office only got 3 person working including myself, LOLX again! Gong Xi Fa Cai and Happy CNY to you! May you enjoy more food this year!

Lotus said...

I started work on Chor 4 and I was so happy, so boring for the past few days having nothing to do, except eat and eat and eat, lucky we did played a bit of card games to pass time. Happy CNY to you, Gong Hei Fatt Choy!!!

PH said...

hah..hah... holiday too long can be boring. It's good that you were happy to go back to work. This is probably the best time to work when it is nice and quiet.

Nux V said...

Mun: Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and family too! Let's continue to enjoy more food together!

Libby: Gong Hei Fatt Choy to you and family! Yea, I felt like piggy during the CNY.

Phong Hong: yea, best!

Carlton City Hotel Breakfast

[ Throwback, Dec 2024 ] It was Saturday and before checking-out, I went for my extravagant brunch. well, why not? it was already paid by the...