Thursday, February 7, 2019

Chinese New Year Dinner with Colleagues @ Sam You Restaurant, Serdang

After getting our bonus, a colleague suggested to have a round of 'auspicious dinner' before CNY.
 Only 8 person responded as the rest already have 'dinner appointment' with their respective team.
Since there were only 8 of us, we did not go for the set dinner menu priced at RM698++, but instead decided to order ala carte dishes.
The dinner started off with the yee sang....It's a MUST!
Salmon fish yee sang, but the salmon were so limited, only one piece per person.... 
 nevertheless we enjoyed the lousang and did not waste anything on the plate!
This was followed by the 4 seasons platter....served in a giant plate
 All of us were wow-ed by the presentation in the giant! I guess we were too hungry then...
 another view from a different angle -
these are the common dishes consist of jellyfish, scallops with cashew nuts, fried stuffs...and more fried stuffs (no need to explain much)
 We also ordered steamed fish Teochew-style.
I like the sourish soup, and keep on drinking it....
 Next is vegetables....plain stir-fried 'yau mak' with garlic
 Marmite chicken
 and lastly - braised tofu, mushroom and broccoli dish
The dish portion is big and all of us were full to max after the meal.
I did not have space to finish off my tea.
This meal costs RM 446.35, which came to RM55.80 per person.


PH said...

Gong Xi Fa Cai! That was a scrumptious meal. I alike all the dishes and my top favorite is always yee sang and the four seasons. The price is very reasonable.

mun said...

Happy CNY to you and your family! Wishing all of you, good health, happiness and prosperity! Gong Xi Fa Cai! I have been to Sam You, Serdang for dinner a few years ago. Good to see that the food is still very tasty!

Nux V said...

Phong Hong: Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and family! I like four seasons coz they are colorful and nicely presented!

Mun: thanks for the CNY wishes, happy CNY to u too! this place is still very favorable for CNY dinners/luncheons, it was fullhouse when we dined there.

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