Thursday, February 14, 2008

This is NOT a Valentine's day blog

Oh, today's V-day?
I can't even remember is like any other ordinary day but with lotsa people trying to show-off their other half! *i m expecting lotsa couples to 'booo' me now!
Anyway, just drop by to make my presence felt as i have been silence for almost a week...(perhaps not! but it just seems long, and i begin to miss my blog!)
Life hav been great, been to some 'gathering' with my former Form5 classmates...and noticed that they hav such a great life too...(not goin to blog about it now)
Anyway, i have just updated my 'other' blog...ok, it isn't mine...just being given the honour to post someting over is it, (*click on the below link before it gets deleted)

Feel free to visit and drop some comments!

Now X, i m so kind enuff to divert the traffic to your blog...u
oh, btw tis is my first post under label 'craps'
(*more nonsense, crappy, juicier, crispier posts to come!)


MakeTraffic said...

Hi Nux, Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine blessing for you, May you be blessed.

John A Hill said...

Happy Valentine's Day! (even though this is NOT a Valentine post!)

xniquet said... promo, i love the craps wukakakakakkaa....good, will help each other out..i am going to put up your banner in my blog XD

3POINT8 said...

I dated my blog on valentines...
That way, no one can boo me!!

khengsiong said...

Why lotsa couple boo you? Too many dates???

Nux V said...

maketraffic & john: same to you! (though is already over)

x: thanks muchie! yea, just saw my banner at ur site, but it doesn't look good...too plain and without header...can change ar?

3point8: me too, was dating my blog on V-day!

khengsiong: nolar, i got no dates :-(

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...