Sunday, February 3, 2008


Looking back time, it has been almost 1.3 years since I last joined blogger. Blogging has got me to learn quite a number of things which I have never knw before.
Frankly speaking, I do not know what is blog until I browsed some of it online!
When I firstly sign up for a blogger account, it took me quite some huge efforts to navigate thru all those buttons. Previously I had tried friendster, and The Spoke which did not give me that kinda good blogging experience due to limited features and difficulty to customize my blogsite.
There are a long list to be listed out if I m to jot down things that I do not know before joining the blogosphere.

Among them are:

# blogspot, blogsome, wordpress, and all those free blog hosting sites. Never heard of them some few years back.

# free blog templates sites, such as

# widgets? What is that? Sounds like some sort of cute gadgets!

# RSS!!! This is even worse…The abbreviation alone is so scary.

# technorati, diggs, del.i.cios….Alexa, mybloglog and all those blog network/ranking sites…

# HTML, well, although blogspot has all the WYSIWYG tools, there are some areas which needed me to amend the HTML codes.

# Photoshop, Microsoft Photo Editor, Paint application, which I seldom used them previously.

# well, if u r into utilizing your blog to generate some revenue..u might also know what the hell are Adverlets and Nuffnang (and perhaps their co-founder as well! I do not know them personally!) Also, another recent advertising service, Nufflet…

# all the tools associated with blogs, such as CBox, site meter, photos hosting sites like Flickr, and all those nice media sites where you can publish your audio/videos online.

# famous bloggers like Kenny Sia and XiaXue.

# aspiring, fun and interesting bloggers frens such as 3point8, adrian, Alistair, amei79, Annie, babyger, blurryhunnie, bokjae, boonage, cannyhar, carmen, cbenc12, chanraymond, chingy, cometh, couchpotato, curryegg, digital polaroids, edward khoo, eRiCCa, evelynholic, FengY, hiew88, iammai, iCalvyn, imagica chan, JasonPhoon, Jean, JenBlue, Jenius, John Hill, Johnny, jumbo, kang yong, keeyit, Kenneth, kingtang, KirstenTam, littleraymond, lonelyhu, melody, monkeywong, nickz, Pennylane, PeranakanDude, PrincessEileen, ProjHeavyTraffic1.0, ProjHeavyTraffic2.0, ShangNing, Shaun, shiphire, Vone, WangJianShuo, xniquet, xris, Yannee, yenjai
Sorry, if I miss out some of you! Well, if you wanted to know what they blog about, dun hesitate to click on their sites which are also listed under ‘Cool Blog Sites’ at my site panel.

# aiksss!!! can’t think of any other things as of now…

Anyway, I will continue to grow with blogging! Till then, thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

Wow.. 1.3 years. You're a seasoned blogger liao.

khengsiong said... hmm... this is the 1st time I heard of it. Would like to try new templates...

Happy Holidays!

s.kuan said...

1.3 years thats quite long. i've been blogging for few months oni. but i have to admit blogging had opened my eyes on alot of things. learnt alot of stuff i didn't know too LOL

xniquet said...

fuhhhh..1.3 years, if lahir anak sudah 6 months old liao :P

I still remember your "Something is Happening Blog" your story about your Pandan Leaves and Old Change Kee Curry Puffs (promised to cure every damn sickness) fufufufufuufuf

Congrats on your 100th post (in this blog only or the combination of the previous one and this one?)

Continue to blog ya and blog hard, as long as you blog, i bet i speak for your readers we will continue to read :P

Chee Ching said...

1.3 years means how long ar? >_<
Utopia is growinggg! XD

FengY said...

wahh i'm inside cool blog sites! hahaha :D

Anya said...

1.3... :D nice knowing you!! haha so touched to see my name there...

C said...

Yea agree..u know wat, your blog was the first blog I browsed thru. (previously I oni visited blog thats written by ppl whom i know, but your's different).Then slowly,learn to click here n there and get to know other bloggers. (thru ur blog)haha!

I like reading ur blog, find it quite has become my habit to click on ur site whenever I come online.(so u must not stop blogging!);-)

GOGOGO! Utopiastaging!!

kang yong said...

whoa... 1.3 years, 6 months longer than me! nux, thank for list out my name.. hehe..

ya, during blogging period, I learn a lot of things too. those i would never know in my life, i can find it at here, from people's blog.. but sometimes we have to spend few hours to read all the friend's blogs... Kinda tired too..

Anonymous said...

argh, u longer than me :P

happy for u too!!! ^^

btw, delicious spelled wrongly lah :P

Happy 1.3 years for you and Happy Chinese New Year!!!~~

3POINT8 said...

Hehey, I saw my blog link there...Thanks
Blogging taught me a lot of stuff too. My greatest achievement from blogging is being exposed to photoshop, html and lots of idea. Best of all, I did make a few good friends from blogging.

Keep it up Nux! Gambatte!

Johnny Ong said...

my office IT dept's guys were baffled as to how i got familiar with those softwares esp for a non-IT fella like me. learnt it painstakingly. said...

Thanks for including me

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