Friday, May 6, 2022

Foodpanda Delivery - Hainanese Chicken Rice Shop (throwback)...

This was an impromptu order when i first discovered the price slashed to unbelievably low after applying the evoucher in Foodpanda...*sometime in March
Quickly tap my phone and ordered a roasted chicken (half chicken). 
To qualify for the evoucher, a minimum of RM21 total purchase is required. So I topped-up with a small portion of oily rice.
and....after applying some magic luck evoucher...the price for the half chicken + oily rice was only RM10.40!
unbelievably great deal!
well, this wasn't my first time ordering from this shop, but it was the first time to get such a superbly insane priceπŸ˜€


mun said...

Wow! What a very good deal! πŸ‘ Is the roasted chicken already sitting in the dark gravy in the container when you received it or did you pour the dark gravy into the plate and then put the chicken in yourself?

Nux V said...

Mun: gravy is packed separately.

mun said...

Thanks for your clarification. Good that they put the gravy in a separate bag.

Nux V said...


Business as usual around the neighbourhood

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