Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fraser Suite, River Valley, Singapore - Part 3

This is a continous post from Part 1 & 2.
And no, before you feel bored with the same post over and over again,
let me show u someting different
tada! daytime...
the HDB flats, with SG river right in front.
 Here's how the living room looks like in the day
 i really luv tis tv, with hundred over channels
 and the pool view from my unit
 my cosy but ol' fashioned workstation
Stayin’ in tis apartment brought back some nostalgic memories of the campus days. During then, as poor undergrads, me and coursemates rent a unit for our weekend vacation. All 15 to 20 of us cramped into that tiny unit with only one bedroom. The ladies will sleep in the room while the guys at the living hall...that left merely no space for walking!
This place is a total contrast to the yesteryears. Somehow, it’s strange to live in a thousand square feet apartment, with only 2 of us (me & boss) if we are a couple...wuakakaka....definately a huge lot space to walk and dance around...and not to mention much quieter too.

signing-off...back to my work, ciao!

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