Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Stranger: May I know what is the time now?
Me: ermm….6:19....nope 6:14
 Do you wear a watch?
I did but that was a long time ago, during my student years.
 I have some cheapskate watches which I wear to school and most of them are easily 'kaputt'
It was adjusted to 5 minutes earlier than the actual time, hence during the exam time, it would gave me the perception that I don't have much time left to finish off the answers when I still have 5 minutes left.
Anyway, the remaining time is used as a buffer to 'final check' my answer sheet.
After having a handphone, I no longer wear a watch coz I felt uneasy having something tied to my wrist, especially when the weather is hot and my wrist is sticky from the sweat.
Besides, I felt that wearing one attracts unwanted attention, coz someone would pretend to ask me for time and open up a conversation. This happened during my late teens, where a guy did this and followed me for weeks. Back then I was working part time in a shop.
Now back to these watches....obviously both of these are not mine.
They are of the same brand 'Tissot', on the left belongs to sis, and the right belongs to mum. Both are bought separately on different occasion.
Do you wear watches?


PH said...

I wear a watch all the time even when I sleep. LOL! I need to know the time so that I am not late for anything. Without a watch, I feel lost. I prefer to check the time on my watch rather than my handphone. It is scary right when someone follows you like that. Happened to me too when I was in uni. I hated it!

Tekkaus said...

I am now relying on fitness band. I only wear my watch for occasions. :D

mun said...

No, I don't wear watches. Many years not wearing any watches since carrying hand phones. Wah, got boys interested in you since you were young.

mun said...

Wah you and pH must be very pretty girls until got admirers following you both around.

Nux V said...

PH: you must be a very punctual person ;-)

Tekkaus: nowadays i see alot of my colleagues wearing fitness band too.

Mun: ah, so u are relying on hp just like me! high 5!

Rose world said...

Yes I do. I have 2 working watches now. All have RIP now. Hehe.

mun said...

Yay! High 5!

Lotus said...

I cannot do without watches. I find it easier to swing my hand and read the time rather than take out my mobile phone and read the time, same as PH. My watch is casio brand, costs only S$30 and i hv wear it for more than 10 years.

Diana Diane Teo said...

Yes, I do wear watch but not all the time. Most of the time when going out like to work or shopping. Hahaha... Watches for me are like accessories but I don't buy a lot. So far, I only have two that are still working well.

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