Friday, July 31, 2020

Chicken Leg

I was involved in the company audit on last week and lunch was provided for that 2 consecutive days. The office admin was kind enough to drive out and bought lunches for those who were involved in the audit including the external auditors.
Dave's Deli Roasted Chicken - with side dishes of mashed potatoes, coleslaw, and mixed veggie (sweet potatoes, cherry tomatoes, capsicum). Mushroom sauce is provided for the chicken leg.
Nasi Lemak Ayam Berempah from 'Ali, Muthu & Ah Hock' restaurant.
The spiced chicken leg is so well-marinated with tender chicken meat....yummz!
The sambal is packed separately in a small plastic sachet. For those who can't eat spicy food, they can omit that sachet. 


Rose world said...

Both chicken thighs!! I like. Haha.

Tanza Erlambang said...

look delicious...yummy

mun said...

Wah! Your office admin is so nice and effecient. AMAH chicken leg is very nice. That's why we also buy their nasi lemak with chicken leg.

Nancy Chan said...

Very delicious lunches. I am sure you enjoyed both lunches.

Tekkaus said...

I want those chicken thighs. :D

Nux V said...

Chicken thigh is da best!!

Nux V said...

Yes delicious😀

Nux V said...

Yes the office admin is nice😉

Nux V said...

Yes i enjoyed the free meal😆

Nux V said...

Go get it😄

Lotus said...

I always ask for thighs.

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