Friday, October 28, 2016

Hectic Week

It was a hectic rush throughout the entire week...supposedly a release scheduled today...but...
out of sudden the project manager announced that it has been rescheduled...and it only came at 6pm...
dunno to be happy or sad...coz I hav been working round-the-clock for the past few days but then @the eleventh hour such news came~~~~~
Anyway, my 'rush hour' meal tends to be junks & fast food
Have been eating burgers for 2 consecutive days over the week...
and many of these snacks that are within reach in the office pantry
thankfully the HR 'cares' for our health and supplement us with free-flow fruits!
and isotonic redbull kinda stuffs but 100plus...
& coke zero to keep us awake (?)
 we have fridges in different block, hence sometimes I went over the other block to 'steal' some of those stuffs that I couldn't find in my block.
alrite...enuff of junks for the week...I gotta replenish myself with nutritious food over the weekend.
Happy Weekend & Deepavali to all!


Twilight Man said...

My office fridge is always empty and my bosses are heartless. Hope you will eat well and stay healthy. Life is not all about work but your well being and happiness. Your HR could suggest giving free spa and massage for you all. Good idea?

mun said...

Good wishes from TM. I wish you the same too. Your HR is so thoughtful and care for you all with all the fruits. Hope you get good nutritious food during this weekend. Do you have replacement holiday on Monday for Deepavali?

Nux V said...

Twilight Man: u got so many bosses? I wish I could get free spa & massage...but unfortunately no lor...

Mun: yea, replenished with all good food during the back to 'reality' We dun get replacement holiday on Monday :-( Our boss is stingy with giving us holiday...

CL (RealGunners) said...

I also had burgers for two consecutive days over the weekend (due to watching football), you are not alone... hehehe...

Lotus said...

Good to have benefits like fridges with free flow fruits and drinks, last time we only have hot drinks like Milo but have to make ourselves

Small Kucing said...

ah least your HR have "heart" :)

Nux V said...

Libby: I prefer to make Milo myself rather than having the ready-packet, coz can adjust the sweetness as I like ;-)

Small Kucing: lol! heart.

Wigglemania said...

There's plenty of Fruit Salad for everyone

Yee Ling said... many snacks and drinks. How nice they got fruits stock up too. U so lucky la.

Twilight Man said...

I have 3 bosses who are Datos. No big deal. Sad that they are heartless ones.

Nux V said...

Wigglemania: DIY fruit salad...

Yee Ling: yea, it is stock up every week...on 'luckier' days, we have seedless grapes....but can't eat much....need to watch over my diet.

Twilight Man: wow...3 datos??? if any of them are rival to each other...then 'lagi dahsyat'!

Spoon said...

Nux V: I've got comics I make myself you can look at

Carl said...

Nux V: You should see the titles I do a review on

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