Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My boss expects me to work 24-hours :-(

My boss sent me an email at 8.26pm yesterday:

"Attached is copy of estimates costing draft by xxxx.
Could you refer to this copy and make the necessary ‘Cost break down’ for projected 10  years. Refer to the attached. Btw could you online(GTalk) in order me to explain to you."

I was like WTF??!! what time now?? eventually it is still daytime at his current location, but it is way passed office hour in KL. And my expression goes like this...
Well, he is abroad most of the time and expecting me to support him on his timezone, each time impromptu requesting this and that without giving early notice of such Adhoc task. Hey, i need a life too! Otherwise, just bring me along if need me to support onsite....Darn!

*comic strip created from bitstrips


煒霖 said...

That's very sad, can't just pretend you didn't receive until the next morning?? Next time should not to open any email after your working hours!! =]

RealGunners said...

I read only also feel sien for you. Well, think on the bright side, at least he is on different time zone, so he still somewhat has "justification".
The managers that I deal with, they like to spew things like: "I don't want you guys to work over time one. We need work life balance!", and then followed up "eh, can you check this this and this ah? I need the information by tomorrow morning", and then they go home. It was 6 to 7PM-ish. Happens all the time >.<

Princess Ribbon said...

Sien hor? I don't like this kinda boss, but since he is on the other side of the world, no choice kua.. So you online-ed afterall I guess..

Nux V said...

小影: I wish i dun read email after office hour, but then my boss called on my mobile. When i dun pick up, he called my teammate to get me to pick up my phone. My teammate has went home, so i feel bad for the teammate when my boss went until that extend to trouble another person in order to reach me.

RealGunners: US MNC is still boleh tahan least it is more systematic. I dun mind to 'check this or that' if it doesn't take long, but getting me to come up with a calculation sheet which takes hours to produce is too much. Come on, when he is onsite he should have all this thing handy or else prepare to 'jup san' (fend himself) rather than S.O.S for help. I m anytime glad to exchange place with him to be onsite rather than 'remotely' supporting him who doesn't seem to know much.

Princess Ribbon: Haha...terpaksa online lor since he goes to the xtend of troubling my teammate to reach me.

mun said...

So in the end you online for how long? Need to finish the calculation on the same night also ah? I also feel bad for you. Hhhmmm, guess it is too much trouble for you to find another job with more work-life balance?

Nux V said...

Mun: yea, ended up to online until i completed the sheet, which took me 2 hours plus. Haha, i tink i need a new job now!

Irvine Chin said...

Sigh these bosses. The question is he pay you well or not! if not. change job! :P

Later after all the rushing and last min work, got errors etc, not like he will appreciate your effort.

Hayley said...

Some bosses are like that, very inconsiderate!!

Nux V said...

Irvine Chin: yea, accuracy is very important too especially when it comes to figures related to $$$...Yea, is time to change job...any recommendation? haha

Hayley: agree...very very inconsiderate. He got his travel allowance when working abroad, me pulak gets nothing, not even OT of supporting him after office hour.

Small Kucing said...

Malaysia is like that la. If overseas there is law against it

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