Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Iron Lady

well...time flies and now we are in the mid week...and weekends will be jst another 2 days away! hooray!
Been busy lately with tasks and by evening I've already gone exhausted...till i doze off in the office...
i dun usually blog about office life, but today i was so frustrated with a subordinate that i scolded him kaw-kaw. Of course, mine is a polite scold, but he is thick-skin and wouldn't admit his fault and instead blame everyone (except himself). Well, this isn't the first time of him being ignorant with his tasks. He took things for granted and dun bother finding out & clarifying some figures. And worse still, he's good in twisting stories to cover up his 'mistake' and manipulating things to hide his wrongs. Of course, i m not going to let this happen in my team. Seeing my other team members being 'manipulate' to cover his ass is a big NO.
Sad enuff, my boss prefer to ignore such 'affair' but sometimes it do affect the working mood in the team. Being a team lead, I have dealt with many of such cases previously and protect the weaker members from being the subject of manipulation. I hope I can stand strong to counter egoistic people.


RealGunners said...

Gotta set these morons straight while you have the power. Otherwise they grow bigger and play politics, then your team is screwed.

Nux V said...

RealGunner: yes, u got it right...this MORON is really testing my patience, and well he is a pure breed Gen-Y, so that explains his egoness...

mun said...

Can you transfer him to another team? Since you talk about figures, are you in the accounting line?

mun said...

Hi Nux V,

Thank you for reading my archive posts. I read your comment about Hanoi. Any plans to go Hanoi again?

Princess Ribbon said...

Weekends is just another normal day for me.. Hubby works half day on Saturday and I take care of the kids alone at home.. Oohh, every office also has this type of "person", hehe.. And yes, the big bosses always ignore this kinda thingy, they let the managers or head of dept to handle these jokers.. So the problem settled?

Nux V said...

Mun: I've spoken this to my boss about this plan previously, but this depend if the other team would accept him. Unfortunately, none at the moment. Btw, yea i enjoyed Hanoi and would plan to go there again, miss the food so mch.

Princess Ribbon: haha, i understood ur plight as a mum...u no longer as free as a 'single'. Problem settled for this case only, but as long as this joker is around, he will continue with doin his mistake, ignorance attitude towards tasks and egoness. It has been more than a year now since he joined the team...imagine i have to face him daily!

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...