Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I 'heart' Bento Set

Steamed egg with shark fins and dunno-wut-kind-of-seafood...
tis is not pork...look closely...it is unagi with egg slices
my fav tempuras!
and the overall set...so yummielicious, hard-to-resist...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Am i too cocky yet?

I dun mean to b cocky but somehow, my actions seems to b against my will.

Few weeks back, a high school classmate who is about to get married organized a mini gathering to distribute her red bomb. Not oni i did not attend, i even get someone to do the favor of taking it on my behalf, in which i intent to collect from her afterwards.

But, i din not keep my promise, instead i was merely sitting@ home and waiting for her to deliver it into my mailbox ;-)

btw, this fella who is getting married isn't any ordinary classmate, but was the school assistant head prefect, meanwhile tht 'someone' who took the invitation card on my behalf (which later walk over to my house to pass it on) was the class monitor!

am i too cocky yet?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Watch this!

Don't u tink they hav nice vocals?

This video is widely publicize all over the Facebook, who knws they could come out with an album...


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Spot the differences?

Tempting rice bowl with sunny side up eggie served @ boston cafe, sunway
Super delicious Nissin noodle with sausages and eggie served @ home sweet
my homemade maggie mee!
Don't u tink my food presention is on par with restaurant???

dim sum...AGAIN.

Can't really remember when was tht, but it was my 3rd time visiting tis same restaurant for the delicacy. Ymmmmm.....what a way to start my day with tis sumptuous heavy breakfast, served with my fav chinese tea!
At the meantime, i'm looking forward for my 16 days block-leave...already have a handful of plans for that...and hopefully it goes as planned, fingers crossed as of now...life is such a bliss!

What a coincidence!

btw, i hav posted my outing @ bumbu before. Tis time, sis went to ole ole Bali (Sunway Pyramid outlet) and ordered exactly the same food.
Such a coincidence!
In case, u r not able to see clearly of what i had last time,
here is it!
the so-called nasi campur bumbu...

Different dimension, different time, different restaurant name, but same food.
The light was as usual...dim...thus unable to capture a perfect pic.
Again, food came in large portion, here is the half chicken with rice,
ordered by one of her outing frens.

Happy Mid Autumn Festival

Yesterday nite was spent on litting up lanterns for mid-autumn. I used to hav a collection of paper lanterns from mini size up to those huge ones...but over the years, some hav been burnt. Yepz...I was having 'paper' lanterns...the ol' and traditional type which was collected since my childhood days.
here's another from neighbor's compound...They oni have 2 balinese style lanterns ;-)
tis pink lantern was a gift from a campus friend & i m stil keeping it
my fav yellow triangular lantern and the colorful candles
jst finished litting up 2 rows of lanterns...
dun u tink the cactus next to the dim lights looks scary?
the bright moon, a lantern and a....wolf...shhhhhhesssh
and finally some mooncakes to enjoy, with chinese tea...the ol' fashion way...
zoomed into the mooncake, wut did u notice?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Kampung Life

I wish to hav a kampung, i mean those wooden papan house by the hut...okay, mayb at the rice field. Recently i hav been mesmerized by the Raya decors at malls, which displayed those olden-days items, with mock kampung house...I hav nver been to a real one, but those houses are...simply unique. Here's one from Ikano mall.
The raya festive mood is still on, with me craving for lemangs and rendangs, but tis year round, i did not make it to the gah-ver-men open house, not bcoz im anti-gah-ver-men, but it was hosted out of KL...why lah not do it at PWTC???

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I rather sell Char Kuey Teow...

If not for the various choices of local food, Char Kuey Teow could be one of my fav. Years ago, when i was a kid, i craved for it alot. It was cheap back then, around $1.80 per plate, but price hav sky-rocketed over the past years and it can now fetch up to $4.50 with a tiny portion. Despite trying a number of char kuey teows around Klang Valley, there is still none that beats those in Penang. Perhaps i hav to head back to Penang to satisfy my craving?
It looks good but not yummy @ all.
But still, it is not cheap
those hawkers are making BIG MONEY by selling these.
I too want to become a char kuey teow seller...
huge profit business, anyone???

There's more to LIFE besides WORK

Recently i hav been seeing quite a number of similar Facebook captions, with 'frustrated' and 'stressed' as the keyword. Understandable that year end is getting near, with many are rushing for projects, hence resulting in such negativity mood.
Well, i m frustrated too sometimes, mostly with colleagues who failed to deliver quality work (hence affecting my operation, wtf!)
While being surrounded by that kinda negativity aura, it seems like the world is hopeless and my life is so much miserable...
Not until one day, i saw these pics, and it reminded me that life is NOT just about work...it is more than that!
Picturesque scenery, fashionable clothes, yummylicious foodie...cute guys...so on so forth...

pretty young not-so-young lady by the window, overlooking the garden

here comes the food...scone with butter, cream and strawberry jam, not to forget, kopi O! (black coffee) Lasagna with cream soup @ boh cafeteria, cameron highlands Chicken with bbq sauce, also from the same place back to the scenery, somewhere Cameron the hills are alive with the sound of music lush greenery!
eh sis, u dun feel cold wearing like tis meh??

ok, enuff with her terrible pose, lemme get u bck into the foodie stuffs...
steamboat, aha! i luv these!
Here's the breakfast, toast with coffee
mid breakfast?
carrot cake with freshly brewed tea from Cameron highlands
upnext, Sitiawan.
tis is their famous local kon lo mein (dry noodles in soya sauce)...with plenty of chillies sauce available.
and the dinner @ some seafood dai-pai-dong...
here's the dish, the long-shaped lala
steamed fish...drooling now...
and a big bowl of shark fin soup...is that real??? i wonder...
well, i will never get all these in the city,
meanwhile, the below one is a very special noodle
coz it was homemade!
the so-called chinese red wine glass noodle...
it may not look appetising, but it was delicious - at least according to her!
lastly, some wu-kok (yam pastries) and pau's to end the journey!
All these pics were stored in sis cam. This gal surely knws how to enjoy life!
Eh, y didn't bring me along???

I am F.A.M.O.U.S !

See that on the bottom right of this pic???
That's me! that's me! i can't believe it...that i m FAMOUS! woo-hoo!
Surprisingly i was being auto-tagged in Simon Seow's facebook...but how did it generate tis out?
Huh, I appeared 'Famous' in a Famous blogger's facebook!!! me getting abit thick skin now...wuakakaka!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A wedding & A Funeral

A recap of hips and happenins' over the past 3 months...

June - Hong Kong
I can't deny that the nite view here is indeed amazing. Tis 'glittering' LV shop in Central was screaming 'step in! pls step in!'
How can i resist it??? The below pic was shot from above a topless bus (to be exact, it was bus no:15C)
Nope, i did not buy any LV bags, regrets!
Will i be there again, perhaps in a biz trip?

July - Feasting Month!
All thanks to the promotion, not only it covered dim sum, but lunch & dinner were also included.
We hav been visiting tis place more than often...til we can't take it anymore!
Food was pretty mediocre, but at least the place was less chaotic as in dai-pai-dong (stalls).
The meal was simple, as above, clockwise from top left (beancurd 'swimming' in thick gravy, roast duck, lettuce in oyster sauce, and ginger chicken).

Presentation: Rate 3/5, Taste: Rate 2/5.

August - A wedding & A Funeral
Nope, they were not related to the same party. It was on 2 close relatives, and it happened just one week apart! Thank God they didn't clash!

The wedding
Where: St Ignatius Church, Damansara.
When: 8 August 09.
Unfortunately i wasn't able to witness this historic event, was stuck somewhere for a team building! Anyhow, congrats to my luvly cousin sis - Melissa!

The funeral
Where: Gospel Hall, KL.
When: 15 August 09.
I thought I wouldn't mourn over her loss, but nope, I almost broke down seeing her fragile body lying in the coffin. My aunt must have suffered alot during these 2 years aft being diagnosed with colon carcinoma. Being single, she enjoyed goin around places not until she fell sick. I was indeed grateful to her for attending my convocation (sometime ago). May her soul rest in peace, amen!

My lovely fullHOUSE!

No, u can't come to my house, i hav no comfy sofa nor drinks to serve u...
Let's go to Fullhouse!

Wht's unique @ tis place is not abt its drinks...

nor food

salmon (above) & chicken (below)

or the wall painting

but these!
this very classic dining table with super tall candle holder
and the classic living room...
even the photo frames are arranged in a classic way

there's even a bathtub and a pretty lady to bathe u!
with huge varieties of accessories to choose from!
comfy bed to lie your restless body
why not getting a change first before leaving?
nowhere as good place to snap your pics!
Yepz, tis place is 'fullhouse' during weekend with patrons bz doing their photo shoots using DSLR cam...which i yet to own...
and tht explains my blurrie and faded-color pics!
sorry peps!

Eat Outs

Just posting some recent eat-outs. 1. Veggies World Cafe Vegetarian yinyong noodle is now my regular order apart from the lui cha (thunder t...