Sunday, June 8, 2008


I always felt that my weekend has been spent on nothing. My typical weekend as below:

Yesterday: Woke up at 12:30pm. Had my lunch and started doing the normal chores, basically laundry, cleaning and housekeep some of my stuffs and preparing clothes for the coming week. After finishes those, it would be around evening. Evening was spent on clearing mails, updating facebook, Friendster and Twitter. Also checks if any pending requests at myBlogLog. Then, updated my blogs and kay-poh on some other blog sites. Night was spent on idiot box and reading online newspaper plus watching MTVs on You Tube.

Today: Woke up slightly earlier than yesterday. Lazying around, then went for a show house (not buying, just to look-see). Groceries shopping. Late lunch. Back home, again repeat the same chores, basically online for awhile to clear mails and withdrawn some of my unsuccessful job applications at jobstreet. Continue with kay-poh-ing on other blogsites. Fixed some buttons on my clothes, discarding dust (from my car), re-organizing the house (not a weekly chores, but it happened that yesterday dad bought something back that needs the furnitures to be re-located). Surveying on some interesting vacation sites. I got a voucher for a one-nite free stay in Seberang Jaya (Penang). Scratching head on what to do (and where to hang out) if i m goin.

Other minor 'chores' includes eat, shit, shower, online…

it sounded boring...sigh....sigh...

Countdown: 7 days more to be freed…


C said...

I like ur weekend.............
I was out on Sat and Sun again..I wish I could stay some house works, go jogging in the evening, clean the car, learn to cook, surf the net..etc..that wil be nice.... ;)

Anonymous said...

at least u got lots of things done!

for me, wake up late normally 12pm. Then had brunch and bak to my room look at the PC monitor again, then nap again, bath, dinner, PC, sleep..arggh!! think also sad ar! damn lifeless!!

Anonymous said...

I wake up early morning everyday including weekend.. I got not enough time to use le.. hahaha

Keong said...

I think i should take up some leave to make myself boring too...

Chee Hoe said...

I don't mind having weekends like yours too. Mine has been way hectic recently. Not much time for my own

Anonymous said...

Are you quitting your job?

amei79 said...

Finding job, then good luck.
In the working days, we awaiting the weekend to come unpatiently.
when weekend came, just found that we have nothing to do about bore & shian.

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...