Sunday, June 22, 2008


I have some very random thought these days, the moment when I read on or noticed something, it will cross my mind to think over it for awhile…weird brain!
I guess I m comparing myself too much on how far I perform with my peers. Few days back, I saw Keith at Carrefour while passing by to buy stuffs. He looked smart (which made me think dat he is sort of doing sales), but in fact, he isn’t doing sales but some editorial job. That fella is always good in languages! Overall, he's charming by appearance. And while thinking that, I felt sympathy to myself for being in the wrong team at the wrong time…No matter how much effort and enthusiasm I put in doing my work, I will still being unappreciated. Time to move on. Enough said.
But again, starting all over again at another new place is scary...Sort of gambling my future into a totally different thing, someting i have never done before.
Will i suffer more at the new place?
Do i have to work till midnite?
Will i get uncooperative colleagues? or terrible boss?
Darn sket lar....i noe i will b doing something different there...i have very low confidence on whether i can cope with it. I'm desperately in need of some guardian angel to guide me...

1 comment:

C said...

Move on and be who u are..
Dont worry be happy.

All things will work good for those who believe in Him.

Kick away the anxieties and stay happy ya!

You are great! Everything is gonna be fine! ;-)

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