Sunday, December 16, 2007

Cousin's Wedding

Cousin sis just sent me a link to her wedding photo albums. The photos were taken by both professional photographer as well as personal cam. Those photos are lovely, and i decided to display a few over at my site.

Her wedding was held on last month, exactly on Deepavali day, as it was a public holiday. Like any other memorable event, it was a tiring occassion as all 3 major ceremonies were held on the same day itself. Well, the 3 ceremonies refer to tea ceremonies, solemnization at church and the wedding banquet at some Chinese restaurant. The wedding was a simple one, and not those lavish or grand scale wedding.

The typical chinese wedding started in the morning, with tea ceremony, presented by both the bride and bridegroom to their respectives elders/parents/parents-in-law. As a symbolic blessing from their parents, the couple will each get an angpow (red packets) from them.
It was a quick event, as everyone were rushing for the solemnization ceremony at church at 11am.
Here are some of the pictures taken...
cool it so much!
and not forgetting, the ribbons on the knobs...
Finally, the bride arrived with her dad (my uncle)...Here comes the bride, dressed in all white...
And tis lil' gal is so C.U.T.E! she is my cousin sis's niece, which is also my indirect niece...She's hyperactive, and thus became the center of attention besides the couple.
Let's bow and pray...
Last but not least, the much awaited event (for singles)...."catch the bouquet". Guess who's next?....of course not me...

Ok, i'm done with the photo posting





















Feeling frustrated coz u can't see the bride's photo?
Here it goes...
















To my cousin sis, wishing you both a lifetime of everlasting love and happiness. Congratulations on your wedding!


xniquet said...

congrats...nux kahwin lagi yay...

Anonymous said...


wah church wedding nia.. i like church wedding

Nux V said...

x: lu buta huruf ka? read properly, it shows "Cousin's Wedding", NOT MINE!

keeyit: thanks! (on behalf of my cousin sis) ;-)

東 誇りHigashi Hokori said...

waaaa...nice weddig car..hehehe..
taniah kat pengantin baru..

Johnny Ong said...

why only the bride's pic? the bridegroom's can't be seen?? hehe

Anya said...

weddings~! i love to attend weddings ... end of the year has so much of wedding dinners!

Nux V said...

eastdust: terima kasih banyak-banyak! *why it sounds so much like my wedding?!

johnny ong: sure can lar..but mostly people will just look at lenglui's during wedding...

imagica chan: yea...i almost broke with all those summons! another one coming soon on next week :-(

MonkeyWong said...

Those photos are really nice, love them! Merry Christmas!

C said...

LOL!!! Their comments are kinda funny :P

Congrats to ur cousin sis !!

Nux V said...

monkeywong: uh huh...yeap those photos are nice, but none of them is shoot by me :P

canny har: thanks! (again, on behalf of my cousin sis)

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