Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Another tag ;-)

Was tagged by curryegg few days ago…

Game rules and regulations:

Original Version:
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it total 20 questions, then tag to 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she had been tag. Whoever did the tag will have blessing from all. You must link to the one who tag you, then spread it to 8 people, let’s the game go on, return the tag to sender is prohibited.

*sorry, I have to amend the rules abit, the original version is too long and troublesome for a lazy person like me.

My Version:
You need not remove or add any personal question…It’s not mandatory to tag 8 people (the number is up to your preferences). Other than that, u may use your own style of tagging the next people…no need tag also can lah!

1. What is your dream during your childhood?
To be the greatest, powerful, wealthiest person on earth! Wuakaka…no lar…not so materialistic during childhood!

2. You like rainy day or sunny day? Why?
Depends on the situation, I prefer rainy days during midnite, so I can sleep soundly and hibernate under the blanket.

3. Which colour you like most?
Green green grass…

4. What song are you into now?
all the Christmassy songs…

5. Where is the place you wanted to go most? Why?
Europe, during spring, to watch green hills and flowers blossom

6. Which part of you that you hate most?
We should love ourselves….anyway, I hate my own blunder-ness

7. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
eat, eat, and eat more!

8. What do you scare to loss the most?
People whom I loved…when I was a kid, I scare losing my mum

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? Or just keep secret in heart, observing by yourself?
I dunno lor…but most probably I’l keep to myself…*call me stupid

10. List out 3 good points of the one who tag you.
Curry egg, she is an outgoin, caring and cheerful young lady.

11. If you are forced to let go something, what would it be?
huh? Err…my job??? I wanna quit working in a secluded environment!

12. Till now, what is the moment that you regret most?
Dun wanna tell u

13. Which type of person you hate most?
Rude, arrogant, irresponsible..

14. What is your ambition?
Am aiming for a high paying job…

15. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad.
Who’s he/she?

16. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
successful life

17. Christmas is coming, who would you like to celebrate with?
Over oredi. Jst came back frm church

18. What do you think that is most important in your life?

19. At what age do you wish to marry?
no plan yet…as long as there is a prince (or super rich guy) proposed to me, I will surely accept!

20. What is a blog means to you?
social networking, money making (wuakakaka….i m too materialistic!)

Now, let me complete my task by tagging the next lucky 4 bloggers:
*sure die lar...they gonna blacklist me for tagging them with such a long tag!


Anonymous said...

o.O So long??? Nvr mind give me some time & I will do it!

Nux V said...

okie no problem!

C said...

I've completed it!!! Kudos to Canny!! hahahah!

Anonymous said...

merry xmas to you

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Anonymous said...

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I would appreciate if a staff member here at utopiastaging.blogspot.com could post it.


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