Monday, January 17, 2022

Festive Meals?

This was a Grab delivery arranged by the church for all members who joined their online Christmas Day celebration.
Before the Zoom session ended, each recipient received their lunchbox via Grab.
The orders were placed a few days earlier by submitting via online form.
Ordered a chicken set meal and a fish set meal for us.
The food were prepared by Gluttony (Taman Desa).
The fish set meal consists of a deep fried fillet (not sure what type of fish but definitely not dory fish), bolognaise spaghetti, sauteed mushroom sprinkled with cheese powder and salads.
The chicken set meal has similar side dishes but with a grilled chicken chop as the main.
Tastewise just so-so, chicken chop is tough and fish fillet is dry. As these foods were prepared early in the morning, they were no longer warm when arrived. We did not reheat the food, so we had them in room temperature.
I also ordered a roasted pork + barbequed pork rice from Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice shop (from OUG) which is delivered via Foodpanda. This is not from church, but instead a 'top up' as there were 3 of us eating and 2 lunch boxes above is definitely not enough. 
I prefer this rice than the western lunch meal.
it has sour pickled on the side and even delivered with soup...well, the usual soup that u get in Chinese chicken rice shop.
And that was my simple Christmas turkey, no roast lamb....
Anyway, 2 days later, i ordered my fav A&W fried chicken to make up for the not-so-impressive-Christmas-lunch.
now, this is my festive mealπŸ˜†
spicy fried chickens, mashed potato in minced beef gravy, and a mozza burger, all full of calories and high cholesterol.
heck first, guilt later!


mun said...

I would go for A&W too! πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ Oh, do you are a Christian and go to church before the pandemics changed the going to church physically part.

PH said...

The meals in those bento boxes look good but didn't taste that nice, so your A&W meal more than made up for the disappointment. One mozza burger, three pieces of fried chicken and mashed potatoes is a grand meal. Champion lah you! I also wanted A&W today until I realized that there is no option to request the chicken parts, so I decided not to order. Maybe next time.

Rose world said...

So nice for church to arrange food. I got some gift from church that day. They sent to our house. So kind and thoughtful of them.

Stacy said...

Looks are deceiving then. The food in those lunch boxes do look delicious.

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