Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Random Updates

It has been almost 2 months since i last went to the office....Since the beginning of 2021, i have been WFH and is still continuing that until 'dunno when'...as the HR have yet to issue any memo that the office will reopen.
The below is my final meal in the office pantry on 18 Dec 2020...
Weird combo with keropok lekor, begedil, omelette and stir-fried long beans....from the nearby food court.
I miss this cheapo meal....i think it is around RM5...
The eateries in that food court suffer decline in business due to most people working from home...
I don't think i will be seeing them operating again (when i'm back to the office on this year)
There goes me and my lunch box on a single seating table at the pantry....kinda lonesome! LOL!
Meanwhile on another occasion...there seems to be some super low-price items on sale in AEON Big every now and then....
Previously i have blogged about 50 cents ice-cream and 20 cents waffles....
This time it is somewhere 15 cents mini potato crackers
thin slices of crackers in tomato flavour....to crunch on while WFH....
Unfortunately we only managed to get a pack....and the other day when we went there again it was sold out.
Meanwhile, during the MCO, we have seen many eateries suffer a decline in business, especially those Chinese seafood restaurant where customers usually dine-in to enjoy freshly cooked seafood. Since dine-in no longer allowed during MCO, some restaurants opted to close temporarily after considering that delivery is not making much profit.
Our next-door neighbour are a group of staff & chefs operating such restaurant...Due to the sudden MCO, they have plenty stocks of fresh fish kept in their freezer. While they can cook it for their own consumption, some were given away to their relatives/friends....
They also gave us 2 huge fishes and a fresh spring chicken....
Depending on how long the MCO goes, they might decide to close down business for good...after almost a year long of roller-coaster business (with various dine-in restrictions during MCO/CMCO).
Hopefully the economy will recover and business will be back as usual after the vaccination....


mun said...

Why are they so good to give you all the seafood for free? Can sell via Instagram cos got many people buying fresh frozen seafood via Instagram.

mun said...

Since 25 Sep 2020 I have not been to the office to work. Then I went crazy and decided that I want to stay at home forever so I go goreng sotong myself, lolx! So now I just sit and measure the floor at home. 🤣

mun said...

Wah, only rm5 for so much food. But portion too big for me la. Good that your office selected to keep u all at home cos now got many work place clusters.

mun said...

Your sister lives within 10 km n in the same state so she can have reunion dinner with u n your parents. Yay!

Nux V said...

Mun: huh? i thought u just started a new job? your ex-company is so nice to provide subsidised lunchbox...which made me drool everytime i look at it....
I think my neighbour prefer to consume the fish/chickens themselves as they don't intend to do delivery.

Nux V said...

Mun: yea, annoying sis & BIL is coming home for reunion dinner.

mun said...

Ya u r right but I went crazy n goreng sotong myself. Crazy, right? 🤣😂

mun said...

Good good. Your parents n yourself must be so happy about it.

Tekkaus said...

RM5 is not bad given the standard in KL. Perhaps you could still enjoy such affordable meals.

Nancy Chan said...

Hopefully the businesses will be able to pick up since they are now allowed to open with dine-in. It is sad to see so many closing due to the MCO. I like the RM5 meal. I think I also bought a few packets of the similar mini crackers when I visited Aeon Big.

PH said...

I feel very sorry for eateries, hopefully things will improve now that dining in is allowed, although limited to two per table. Let me wish you a very Happy and Safe Chinese New Year!

Lotus said...

Happy Niu Year to you Nux. RM5 meal is so cheap and affordable. In SG, eateries are lucky and surviving cos dine in are allowed.

Stacy said...

Indeed, many eateries have closed down for good. Too many uncertainties.

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to normal....no more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...