Monday, March 5, 2018

Fine Sunday in Moka, Mauritius

continuation from the previous post...
As I thought I would be motivated to continue my work after the brunch, somehow yours truly got distracted and went for an adventure....
Well, the hotel is adjacent to a shopping mall, and it is a NEW and the LARGEST mall in claimed, ahemmm...ahemmm
 It was less than 10 steps from the place where I had my brunch...and since I was so full, perhaps some 'walks' to digest off those bacons would be good...The mall is calling out to me......
Okie, i'm coming!!!!!
it was still early for shopping as the mall just opened its door....I got to take pictures without anyone obstructing....great!
u hardly see anyone there...except staffs. 
 the food corner in Bagatelle has Chinese, Middle-Eastern, Italian restaurants, KFC, some cafeterias and a mini food court
 There are 3 supermarts in this mall alone - Monoprix, Intermart and FoodLoversMarket. And I went to all 3 of them!
But before that, I stopped by an electrical shop coz I was mesmerized by this retro looking fridge!
oh man, this sexy thing cost a bomb!
 and I also went looking at displayed cars...yes, it is our Perodua cars!
Coincidently they set up a booth on the first week I was there, coz the following week was another brand...
Feel so much at home seeing this Malaysian-made cars
 but the price will give u a shock (u do the conversion-lah)
 Was in one of the supermart and enjoyed myself looking at the buns and pastries
fresh grapes
Vitasoy!!! imported from HK...yeah!!! must-buy must-buy...
sushi - limited choice and expensive...
after a half-hour stroll, came out from the mall to enjoy cool & fresh air...
it was a nice 'cool' weather
why is there no one at sight? the day still early?
not much shopper...ample parking spots and it's FREE....
*most of the shopping malls here have free parking space
after a short outdoor walk....I went back to the hut cafeteria where I came the corner end of the mall, interconnected to the hotel
still lazy to start took a picture of the surroundings from my room...
and then reluctantly start my work, spreading papers on the desk but not working...
I love my job
I love my job
I love my job
the room looks different during the day, it is more spacious & bright
the usual tea/coffee supplies
then i worked my ass off throughout the noon, skipping all rest time in between and only stop working when it is dusk....
the sunset view from the room...So captivating!
ok, time for dinner...
to be continued...


Twilight Man said...

I am so jealous that you have such a fabulous and relaxing job! Hire me please.
The shopping mall is very nice and modern with low rise architecture which is quite American styled. The fridge looks cool like the Sha-Na-Na design for Fonzie to use. LOL

mun said...

Wah so nice! Can work in your hotel room. No need to go to clients' office to work everyday. That place looks like a relaxing place to live. Laid back with no stress. That perodua car after conversion now is about rm790k? Or did I convert wrongly?

mun said...

Ok I have an extra 0 so it is only rm79k. Not too bad.

Nux V said...

Twilight Man: No need to be jealous, it's a hard labor work both onsite and weeks of preparation prior to that (which I seldom on blogosphere during then). Definitely not a relaxing job. Yes, that retro fridge is super cool!

Mun: if taking Rp685000, then it is RM81265. About RM30k more expensive than our local price for the same model. I'd rather buy a Honda City! I worked in hotel room on weekend only. Weekday still gotta go office from 8am till 7pm :-(

Tanjong Pagar

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