Monday, October 13, 2014

Covert Affairs

Have been watching Covert Affairs (US TV series) for quite some time and am still being hooked on it, mainly bcoz i enjoy those CIA kinda story. 
Somehow, i'm fascinated with the 'interesting' but dangerous life of a CIA agent. Interesting as in the character gets to be assigned a secret task and gets to travel around places for her undercover or messenger tasks.
Well, a 'series' as it is, this Annie (main character) is often that lucky coz everytime she manages to escape the dangers or some kinda hero came to her rescue. 
Talking about investigator, I recently got to deal with one. Getting abit thrilled coz one of the complaint that i filed (on behalf of the company) against an established French firm did reached the World Bank acknowledgement in Washington.
The World Bank's does have a dedicated body to investigate any allegations of fraud and corruption in their projects, known as INT. Glad that somebody is now attending the case and that my effort in filling the complaint did not go to waste.          


mun said...

I am watching this series and Homeland too. Wow, your job sounds very thrilling. Get to report this kind of things.

RealGunners said...

Maybe soon you'll be part of a real life series ;)

Princess Ribbon said...

I'm watching The Walking Dead series too.. At Astro Fox channel.. Nice.. I've been hooked on it ever since I started Season 1.. Now Season 6 already, hehe..

Nux V said...

Mun: sounds thrilling? I m doin my boss's job coz he is travelling most of the time:-(

RealGunners: i wish too...not bad if always there is a hero to rescue at the nick of time...But real life, all 'hero' disappeared when problem arise.

Princess Ribbon: wow...u r a keen series follower...

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