Monday, January 21, 2013

Birthday Celebration - Part 2

round with family members where mom prepared the Chinese-style Steam Chicken, a sort of the traditional way of b'day celebration. Nothin' much of hoo-haa abt that...
The 3rd round was with department together with a few others who are also Dec babies.
 Here's the shared b'day cake bought from Alexis
 Side dishes are Rendang chicken with Lemang (glutinous rice), Cucumber, Nasi Impit (glutinous rice cooked with pandan leaves) and Peanut gravy
Here's the Rendang fav dish
Someone bought has been so long since i last had Magnum ice-cream
 this is the mini version of Magnum
 and just like any kids party, we hav junk snacks
 this was classic...colorful mini biscuit that has been around since my childhood
 and i got a b'day card from the dept
 with lotsa signatures...from each of my colleague...thanks all!
 As i mentioned, there were 4 rounds in total...the 4th celebration was a bigger scale which was organized by the company HR for all dec babies...
and guess what?
my name was called for the special lucky draw...
unfortunately i wasn't present to collect my gift hence it channeled to another lucky person...
but i was still happy coz of the 60 person entitled for the lucky draw, i was the chosen lucky person...the possibility is like 3:60 (0.05!). Still can't believe i was that lucky. I got it last year and this year my name got called again. Perhaps, this year i shall give chance to others?
Oh btw, did i tell u that i also claimed a complimentary b'day movie ticket from GSC?

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