Friday, January 25, 2008


TGIF...whoa...tis whole week has been very hectic, and perhaps frustrating...But thank God today is Friday...which mean i should forget all the miseries and try to cheer myself up...Well, perhaps looking at weird and funny pictures will are some of them...some cool ads displayed on trucks! Lazy to blog with tht kinda mood (that i hav now) i dun feel like blogging ;P
Happy Weekend!


Simple American said...

Those are two cool. That would be kind of scarey if you were behind the truck with the painting of a truck. Wonder if how many people jam on the brakes?

Happy weekend to you. said...

When I look at the title, I thought u wanna belanja me makan in TGIF ^-^

Shiphire said...

Nice find you got there! LoL~

Nux V said...

simple american: yea...that's a tricky one! illusions are dangerous sometimes... sori la, my salary not out yet, kenot go for TGIF meal!

shiphire: thanks..i got it from circulated emails ;-)

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