My sis just had her company dinner at Hilton Hotel, KL. Although it wasn't much related to me, but as she took my digicam for it, i was expecting her to snap alot of nice pictures of those dishes that she had, some fancy spots around the places or some photos of cool dudes. However, much to my disappointment, all i could see (after various times of clicking the preview buttons) are...
*strange, i guess she like the shiny metal spoon!
and Menus!! where are the food pictures???
And i was expecting her to snap some interesting spots/corner around the places, such as the swimming pools, main lobby...but instead, the only picture she took is the path leading to the pool... *totally FAILED
and she took the picture of the side decoration on the plate instead of the prawns!
*i'm speechless now
fish, but not the edible one
and more fishes...wut for taking their pictures? not edible also...
skool girl? although she failed in her photo shooting skills, she got first runner up for disguising as a skool girl and talent show. She ain't weird, she is my sis!
*i'm speechless now
Haha... well, at least the pic that she took isn't half bad. Kudos to that right?
Haha... well, at least the pic that she took isn't half bad. Kudos to that right?
LOL!! HAHAHA!! As I read.. I keep laughing nia... Funnie funnie^^
She doesn't like food huh? :P
Ya, she looks gorgeous!
your sister has the potential to kill guys man....
who is the hot chick :P
mana gambar nux ni?
What can I say? ^-^
Should be very expensive dinner then..
She looks pretty.
chee hoe: so-so ler...but still hav room for improvement ;P
canny har: LOL! oh, those pictures amused u as well?
monkeywong: nolar, i guess everyone are hungry, thus no more left for photo shoot.
jam: telima kasi (on her behalf)
yipguseng: so am i! wuahaha...punya tebal i punya muka!
X: eh, is written there..not my company ler, so Nux is not in ;P speechless?
keeyit: ermm....i guess so..but anyway, company dinner should hav the standard, rite?
I agree with x, show your picture :P
hi5 JP, great minds think alike....:P
jasonphoon & x: yeapz..i won't dissappoint u pics will be posted in the near future...wuakaka...stay tuned!
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