Friday, June 14, 2024

Rockley Beach & Misc

Can't get enuff of vitamin-sea, so I keep on posting pictures of the Caribbean SeaπŸ˜‚
alrite alrite...i know you have enuff of looking at my boring beach now i switch to some other 'view'....
the country flagπŸ˜…πŸ˜
More flags outside!
Along the stretch of Main Street, there are number of 'touristy' restaurants and hotels....very much like Bali/Langkawi island.
Well, tourism is one of Barbados main economic drivers apart from the international business sector and foreign direct-investment. So, it is common to see tourists flocking around this area...but not under the hot sun like meπŸ˜‚
By noon, I took the shuttle van back to the apartment and got back to 'reality'.
Gotta do laundry coz it was weekend, else i got no clothes to wear to office on MondayπŸ˜…
Laundry is self-service washing machine which you need to purchase a token. BBD4 (USD2) per token for washer and another BBD4 (USD2) for dryer.
Then, snack time! Yes, I'm a junkie!
Also ordered delivery for dinner, they have Hopscotch Fetch which is their version of our Foodpanda/Grabfood Delivery.
This was my dinner - flying fish & chips with salads.
Can't remember which restaurant & how much was this coz it was paid by my colleague.


Lotus said...

Working trip? Nice! I used to travel to Canada Vancouver and Mount Whistler work related but not go there to work but to have a holiday as it is a trip sponsored by our suppliers, fully sponsored.

mun said...

How many times did you go to the beach when you were there? Does the flying fish taste good? 😊

Lotus said...

Had cut down on snacks totally cos they are expensive and give me the sore throat lol. How was the fish and chips with salad?

Niko Niko Onigiri @ Sri Petaling

This restaurant is located next to Kawan Place, but not so noticeable as the entrance is covered and there is a counter selling onigiri occu...