Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Breakfast - Day 1 @ Wings Croske Hotel, Langkawi

Hotel breakfast starts from 7am until 10:30am.
I went down for breakfast around 8am. There weren't many people, probably it was still early or perhaps this hotel is under-occupancy during the weekdays non-holiday season. I sat there until 10:30am, so much so that I could play with my food & photographing each of the dishes, yet no staff ask me to leave coz there were just ample tables around.
Here's what I had:
Tomato rice with chicken rendang and papadam
Western style - aglio olio spaghetti, sausages, potato wedges, bread pudding, baked beans and ham.
Nasi lemak with curry chicken
Char kuey teow
Omelette and fried sunny side up egg.
The cafe has alfresco dining facing the pool, but it was too hot & humid outside. It rained abit too.


mun said...

Wow! 🀀 πŸ˜‹
Reminds me of all the hotel buffets that I have eaten before. I always sit the max duration at hotel buffets and I don't think they will ask customers to leave. Your food looks really tasty, especially the omelette. I love the variety.

mun said...

Did you take 5 plates of food all at the same time? Meaning you take one plateful, leave it at your table and go take another plate? πŸ˜‚

PH said...

I am very impressed! You are a champion when it comes to makan. We should do a competition one day. LOL!

Nux V said...

Mun: haha, yesπŸ˜„

Nux V said...

PH: u are in different category now & limiting carbs intake, how to compete laπŸ˜‚πŸ€”

Lotus said...

I will get tummy muscles pain if I eat like this but food does look really tasty and tempting. Good that you went during weekdays non holiday season so you don't have to squeeze with the crowds and can have some peaceful, serene and solitaire time. Thumbs up!

Lotus said...

I still remember the feelings when we ate hotel buffet breakfast during our tours in the past. Eating, chatting and taking photos.

Lotus said...

You are still young so eat and enjoy while you can. Seniors like us will get tummy muscles pain if we eat too full.

Carlton City Hotel Breakfast

[ Throwback, Dec 2024 ] It was Saturday and before checking-out, I went for my extravagant brunch. well, why not? it was already paid by the...