Wednesday, September 6, 2023

My Humble Homecooked Meal

Yes, I did cook in the apartment.
like why not?
The apartment has a well-equipped kitchen...with stoves, pots, pans....
and a huge 2-door fridge with the capacity to store groceries that lasts you for a week....
and a cabinet full of fancy plates, bowls and cutleries....Kinda waste if not utilizing them, rite? rite?
The only thing that you need to source out is the ingredients.
I bought my fresh groceries from the mini mart located downstair. It is slightly pricier than the local supermarkets but it's convenient as it is just downstair.
Since I was just staying for a month, i bought only a bottle of soy sauce and sunflower oil as the cooking condiments. I don't even have salt, sugar or pepper.
Here's my simple homecooked dinner....kuey teow in chicken broth, poached chicken drumstick with cabbage and onion omelette.
During lunch, I would sometimes buy a chicken burger from the same mini mart. The mini mart has a ready-made food section where it sells hot/warm food such as steamed pao, siumai, burgers & empanadas. There are high volume of Chinese expats staying in the neighborhood, therefore it is quite common to see pao & siumai being sold in mini marts here.
This chicken burger costs USD2.50
[Below] A cloudy day view from the balcony. There is a green mountainous landscape from afar.
I ventured out of the expat area on one fine evening and reached a much localised neighbourhood of the city - Chanis.
I made a visit to their local supermarkets to 'kepoh' on the prices, and comparing them with the mini mart that i frequented.
[Below] Cheap sardines - 40cents?!? 
After conversion, that's even cheaper than our sardines sold in Malaysia.
nope i did not buy. I'm skeptical with canned sardines.
The store's opening hours is stated on the glass door.
Sunday to Friday from 6am till 12am
Saturday from 6am till 1am
I'm surprised that it opens until that late๐Ÿ˜ฎ


mun said...

Wah, you are so adventurous and you stay there for so long, one whole month!

mun said...

Good that you play masak masak in your well equipped place and ends up with a satisfying meal. Yums! ๐Ÿ˜‹

PH said...

Definitely nice to take a break from restaurant food and cook up your own.

mun said...

Back in kl, do u eat sardines from canned sardines brand such as ayam brand sardines and etc?

Nux V said...

Mun: nope

mun said...

So when you eat out, how do u know that the sardines are from cans or not? Or u mean you don't eat sardines at all.

May I ask why? Did you encounter a bad experience with sardines before?

mun said...

I ask because I love to eat sardines and am wondering is there a strong reason for me to stop eating sardines.

Nux V said...

I avoid sardines tht is in tomato sauce when eat in chapfan stalls coz mostly are canned sardines frm cheap brand. Just to avoid for personal reason after reading about dead worms in canned sardines several years ago. Not jst sardines but any canned meat, although hard to let go my fav luncheon meat.๐Ÿ˜‚

mun said...

Ah ok. Thank you for the details. Ah I do know about parasites in fish so I will open eyes ๐Ÿ‘€ big big to see if can see the parasites or not before eating.

Twilight Man said...

I love canned sardines!! Got worms better still la. Extra nutrients.... ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚
Just kidding Nia.

When the chap fan stalls fry them with onions in the hot wok, the worms all went to heavens.

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...